We’re coming to the end of our Fine Arts Friday. Not the study of fine arts, mind you, or even posts on this blog. However, this is the end to our having a single day to focus on fine arts. Fridays will now be devoted to enrichment classes for the younger three. Little Miss has […]
Our Tuesday appointments are over for the summer. Happy dance! Don’t waste your summer. Embrace boredom! Have a 70s summer! Or not. Is eating fruits and vegetables good for you? Ultimately, who cares? “Life is for living.” So what can eating watermelons cialis properien http://regencygrandenursing.com/post-acute-sub-acute-care/comprehensive-wound-care do for erectile dysfunction and how methods such as penis […]
Last winter, Little Miss and I participated in a survey at the Perot Museum for which participation we were given tickets for the IMAX theater at the museum. The tickets expired at the end of this month, so MTG took a day off and we spent the morning at the Perot and the afternoon at […]
As I drove home from church, past wildflowers and longhorns and strip malls, I found myself singing this hymn. I love being able to get into nature, away from concrete and congestion, but that’s a special treat that happens only a few times throughout the year. I live in an urban area, in the close-in […]
Texas is in the middle of a prolonged drought, so all the rain is very welcome. Except when you leave your windows rolled down while going to the grocery store and come out to a downpour. That’s unfortunate. Soggy links! I have a dream. A backyard dream! Now I just need money, time, and labor […]
This post is a little ranty, which isn’t normally what I do for Fine Arts Friday, but it has to be said! Also, this post contains affiliated links. Sprite has had an affinity for sharks for as long as she’s known of their existence. When she was about eight, we had this conversation on the […]
My birthday gift was a camping trip. Unfortunately, conflicts made it a short overnight trip rather than the two days we wanted. Still, it was a wonderful time. We went up to Cooper Lake State Park near Sulphur Springs. It’s beautiful country and, most importantly for me, far enough away from the city that you […]
Both the month and the person. One minute, we’re trucking along at a decent pace, the next I’m standing in the midst of chaos. Schedules, plans, lofty goals? All laying around looking punch drunk. Really, April? Dust yourself off links! “You’re Still Here?”: A Brief History of the Post-Movie Credits Sequence. Bees are getting poisoned […]
Yes, it’s April fool’s day. Yes, you’re very clever and funny with all your tricks and pranks. Don’t even think about it. I’m-watching-you links! A Little Typographical Rant. Preach! How to use worm poop (in your garden.) It also boosts up the health and functioning of your reproductive organs. viagra free http://www.learningworksca.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/014-calculating-cost-remedial-placement-analytics-2.pdf Here at this […]
I’ve written previously that nature studies intimidate me. It’s not that nature intimidates me; I enjoy being in nature — even when nature is a cottonmouth snake. Okay, I don’t necessarily enjoy run-ins with snakes, but it’s interesting! No, my intimidation comes from my lack of knowledge about flora and fauna. I grew up in West […]