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    20 Answers from a 40-Year-Old

    20 Answers from a 40-Year-Old

    A 20-something blogger posted an interesting and fun post, “20 Questions I have for people who were in their 20s before cell phones and the internet.” I’m forty, and I got my first email address in college. I could only access it through the computers in one of the two computer labs on campus. My […]

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    Terrible Tuesday: last vestiges of summer

    Terrible Tuesday: last vestiges of summer

    Lots of kids — homeschool, private school, public school, whatever else school there is (submarine school?) — are back to school this week or next. We’re holding on to summer as long as we can, even though Little Miss started one on-line class last week and starts a class at private school this week. This […]

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    Today, our daughters get smartphones. Or smartish phones. While we’re not quite Amish, we tend to be late adopters when it comes to technology and our kids. Of course, compared to some of our friends, we’re cutting edge. I guess it’s all in the eye of the beholder. We’ve drawn up a contract using this […]

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    Empty Shelf: We’re not dead yet(?)

    This post contains affiliated links. Title: Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business Author: Neil Postman What’s it about: See above cartoon. Actually, it’s really about how the changing technology of information transmission has changed how we learn, think, and live.  Or as Postman put it, “I will try to demonstrate […]

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    Terrible Tuesday: VBS edition

    Terrible Tuesday: VBS edition

    Day two of our church’s first ever Vacation Bible School. The girls and I are volunteers, and the boys are participants. We’re working with the kindergarteners. The thing about the younger kids is they need a lot more help. And they want you to play the running games with them, preferably holding their hands. So […]

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    Terrible Tuesday: I want my summer!

    Terrible Tuesday: I want my summer!

    Summer started and then we got really busy and, well, this doesn’t feel like summer to me. I-demand-my-lazy-days links! First, a slew of heroes. The last of the original Navajo code-talkers has died. The Navajo code arguably turned the tide of the war in the Pacific, as the Japanese were able to break every code […]

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    Terrible Tuesday: Rain rain rain

    Terrible Tuesday: Rain rain rain

    Texas is in the middle of a prolonged drought, so all the rain is very welcome. Except when you leave your windows rolled down while going to the grocery store and come out to a downpour. That’s unfortunate. Soggy links! I have a dream. A backyard dream! Now I just need money, time, and labor […]

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    Doing that screen thing

    Doing that screen thing

    It’s International Screen Free Week, where people around the world are shutting down their screens–television, smart phones, computers, tablets, etc. etc. etc for the week. I had a taste of that last week when we went camping last week. It was delightful, and it got me thinking I need to curb my screen consumerism. Screen […]

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    The problem with writing about your passion

    The problem with writing about your passion

    is that you don’t know when to shut up. In my Communities column, I wrote about protecting the natural night sky, particularly what the very excellent organization International Dark-Sky Association is doing to combat light pollution. Being a (very) amateur skywatcher living in an urban area, this is a matter near and dear to my […]

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    Back to school, legally!

    Back to school, legally!

    Or back to whatever it is we call this thing. “Back to more structured educational schedule, with less lounging about?” Today, my Washington Times Communities article is on educators and educational fair use of copyrighted material. And homeschooler, if you think this doesn’t affect you, you’re wrong. Listen, you might think our intellectual property rights […]

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