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Surrounded by beauty

As I drove home from church, past wildflowers and longhorns and strip malls, I found myself singing this hymn.

I love being able to get into nature, away from concrete and congestion, but that’s a special treat that happens only a few times throughout the year. I live in an urban area, in the close-in suburbs of Dallas, but despite that, I’m surrounded by natural beauty.

From Flickr, photographer Vicki Gibson

Not two miles from my house are fields of wildflowers and a herd of cattle with lots of delightful calves frolicking. I have a mad Mockingbird who trills his song every morning from my neighbors’ roof and a Blue Jay that frequents the tree outside my kitchen window.

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From Flickr, photographer evilgurl


When those fade and the summer heat begins to turn the green grasses brown, the trees around creeks will be an oasis of green. And of course, I’m always able to look up and see the expansive, magnificent sky. I am surrounded by beauty, all I need are eyes open to it and a voice to thank God for it.

What beauty surrounds you?

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