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    Groundhogs and Armadillos

    This post may contain affiliated links It’s Groundhog Day in most of the United States and Armadillo Day in Texas. Of course.  Bee Cave Bob, Texas’ prognosticator, likes to sleep in, and we won’t know if we’ll have an early spring till 12:30. At least it’s not high noon; that would really put a damper […]

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    Today should be a national holiday

    Today should be a national holiday

    It should be a feast with sausage-based foods (i.e. ground hog) and viewing of the Groundhog Day, which is one of the most profound movies of all time. And if you do nothing else to mark this day, you should read Jonah Goldberg’s great treatise on the film. (Yes, even if you don’t finish this […]

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    Fine Arts Friday: the art of the soundtrack

    Fine Arts Friday: the art of the soundtrack

    Today you’re in for a special treat. My friend Erika Franz is the author of today’s guest post on soundtracks, specifically the soundtracks of science fiction. The idea for the post was born of a conversation that came out of this post and the idea that movie soundtracks are the natural extension of operas and musical […]

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    Terrible Tuesday: VBS edition

    Terrible Tuesday: VBS edition

    Day two of our church’s first ever Vacation Bible School. The girls and I are volunteers, and the boys are participants. We’re working with the kindergarteners. The thing about the younger kids is they need a lot more help. And they want you to play the running games with them, preferably holding their hands. So […]

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    Terrible Tuesday: 847 miles to Louisville

    Terrible Tuesday: 847 miles to Louisville

    Traveling links! 1984 was a big year in cinematic history. I was 10, so I only saw Star Trek and Karate Kid. (Plus the movie we agreed to pretend didn’t happen: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.) Leawood, Kansas: on the front lines protecting the citizenry against 9-year-olds and their evil agenda of literacy […]

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    Terrible Tuesday: April off the rails

    Terrible Tuesday: April off the rails

    Both the month and the person. One minute, we’re trucking along at a decent pace, the next I’m standing in the midst of chaos. Schedules, plans, lofty goals? All laying around looking punch drunk. Really, April? Dust yourself off links! “You’re Still Here?”: A Brief History of the Post-Movie Credits Sequence. Bees are getting poisoned […]

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    Terrible Tuesday: Stinky edition

    Terrible Tuesday: Stinky edition

    The good news is we got the gas leak fixed and the permit issued yesterday. The bad news is apparently the permit office didn’t get the permit to the gas company, or possibly they did, but it didn’t make it through the system to actually get our gas turned back on. The upside is that […]

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    Terrible Tuesday: Behind the times

    Terrible Tuesday: Behind the times

    You know how you get a little bit behind? Just a bit, no big deal. Half an hour max would set you straight. But then you get a little bit behind in something else.  Then something else falls behind. And something else, etc., etc., etc. At this point, I’m going to need a new month. […]

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  • Inconceivable

     I’m very tired and completely overwhelmed with a to-do list from hell. The result is the following is this post on one of my favorite movies, with very little work on my part. You’re welcome. What’s so great about The Princess Bride? It’s got “fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles.” […]

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    Lazy days of watching movies

    Are you having a busy summer? Well, stop it! This years theme is lazy days of being a bum.  For example, don’t you want to spend your summer weekday mornings watching kids movies? Sure you do. Lots of theaters offer summer movie programs for kids with discounted or even free admissions.  Generally they show movies […]

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