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    The rule is there is no rule.

    The rule is there is no rule.

    This post is cross-posted at Best Foot Forward Proofreading. If you have proofreading needs, check it out!   While English has a reputation for being a lawless thug of a language, there are indeed rules that govern it. Because English is, in the phrasing of John McWhorter, our magnificent bastard tongue, they can have more exceptions that […]

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    Bring on the snark!

    Bring on the snark!

    Homeschool style! My new favorite homeschool-themed social media thing is The Homeschool Snark Shark, found on Facebook and Twitter. Because really:   (Honestly, if you’re asking me “What about socialization,” you either don’t know what you mean by that or you don’t know my kids. Think about what you mean by socialization. Now think about […]

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    Terrible Tuesday: Road to recovery

    Terrible Tuesday: Road to recovery

    Over the past week or so, my family has been fluviated. First MTG went down, the Satchmo, then me, then Bulldozer. The girls are prancing around like they’re Wonder Woman. Women. Smarmy little hearty immune systems. (For those keeping count, MTG got the flu shot, the kids got the flu mist, and I got nothing. […]

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    Terrible Tuesday: That’s a lot of straws

    Terrible Tuesday: That’s a lot of straws

    I’m not saying the camel has a broken back. I’m just saying that’s a lot of straws. The end is nigh links! I wished for a Khan Academy for sewing on Twitter, and *poof* a friend pointed me to Craftsy. I know what I want for Christmas! New degrees challenge “time-served” model. I don’t know […]

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    Terrible Tuesday: Rain rain rain

    Terrible Tuesday: Rain rain rain

    Texas is in the middle of a prolonged drought, so all the rain is very welcome. Except when you leave your windows rolled down while going to the grocery store and come out to a downpour. That’s unfortunate. Soggy links! I have a dream. A backyard dream! Now I just need money, time, and labor […]

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    Grammar personalities

    One of the benefits of being a homeschool mom is all the wonderful things you learn anew through teaching your children. Although grammar and writing have always been my strengths,  I’ve learned things I never would have discovered in the process of teaching my children. For example, the future perfect tense is the parent’s tense: […]

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