“It would be so nice if something made sense for a change.” Alice…in Wonderland
*þing is pronounced “thing. Yes, I could just write “thing,” but where’s the fun in that? This year, we’ve moved away from the “Fine Arts Friday” model to a “Morning Time” model. I’ll post some resources to find out more about the concept at the end of the post, but basically we spend about an hour […]
We’re just finishing our first week of the new school year. It’s also our first field trip of the year and our anniversary. It’s been an exhausting week, but far less exhausting than last year. On more days than not, we’ve managed to have our morning time, which is where we do our fine arts […]
A month ago, we were cold and miserable and wondering if spring would ever arrive. But spring is finally here, and we shall sing! (Okay, we sang in March, too, huddled under our blankets.) I didn’t like the folk song on the Ambleside rotation, so I picked “Mairzy Doats,” a song that my mom and […]
This term, Ambleside has a really fun collection of music for children this term. You should check out their site for all the selections. But it made me think of a very fun CD and book my sister got for Little Miss for Christmas, The Composer is Dead by Lemony Snicket. We listened to it […]
Despite a rather rocky start, it’s good to be back in the saddle with our routine and our studies and most of all, our fine arts. We’ve been spending a lot of time in the modern world with both our history and our fine arts (since I like to try to line them up if […]
Our Fine Arts Friday is officially kaput. Next week, Fridays will be devoted to enrichment days at a local private school. To be fair, the kids will be taking art (at least three of the four will), and we’re going to be stopping and picnicking and hiking at our local nature preserve. But it won’t […]
We’re coming to the end of our Fine Arts Friday. Not the study of fine arts, mind you, or even posts on this blog. However, this is the end to our having a single day to focus on fine arts. Fridays will now be devoted to enrichment classes for the younger three. Little Miss has […]
Our final composer for this academic year is Igor Stravinsky. Most of us are familiar with Stravinsky from Fantasia (the dinosaurs) and Fantasia 2000 (the forest fire.) Ironically for a piece of music most of us associate with a Disney movie, the Rite of Spring famously caused a riot when it was first performed in […]
May has five Fridays, and June will be full of extra travel, so I’m getting a head start on our June pieces. I love the hymn, “I love to tell the story.” It makes me think of small country churches and dusty hymnals. Hymnals should be a thing again. Bring back the hymnal! Down with […]
This post contains affiliated links. May is upon us, and for Texans, that really means summer — bearable and mild summer — but summer nonetheless. Yes, I realize the calendar says “spring,” but 90 degree days says “grab a glass of ice tea, it’s summer.” I wish our local pool would acquiesce to that reality […]