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    Frontiers and discovery

    Frontiers and discovery

        Yesterday I linked to a newly discovered copy of the Gospel of Mark that had been papier-mâché into a mummy’s head. This is thought to be the earliest existing copy.  Today, I read that scientist think they may have discovered a way to read scrolls carbonized when Vesuvius buried Pompeii. How cool is […]

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    Terrible Tuesday: Good intentions vs. warm bed

    Terrible Tuesday: Good intentions vs. warm bed

    Last night, the Leonid meteor shower peaked. Despite being bone tired, I duly set my alarm for 1 a.m. But at 1 a.m., that part of my brain that would really like just five minutes of peace and a good night sleep for once, dangit, said, “Don’t you dare.” So I didn’t. There should be […]

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    Terrible Tuesday: April off the rails

    Terrible Tuesday: April off the rails

    Both the month and the person. One minute, we’re trucking along at a decent pace, the next I’m standing in the midst of chaos. Schedules, plans, lofty goals? All laying around looking punch drunk. Really, April? Dust yourself off links! “You’re Still Here?”: A Brief History of the Post-Movie Credits Sequence. Bees are getting poisoned […]

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    Terrible Tuesday: A relapse

    Terrible Tuesday: A relapse

    A couple of weeks ago, I announced an end to our hideously Terrible Tuesdays as we dropped a speech therapy session and Sprite’s softball. This week we have to have speech today because of a field trip on Thursday. So while it’s not hideous, it’s still a pretty darn ugly Tuesday.  Tuesdays are the days […]

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    Terrible Tuesday: One car edition

    Terrible Tuesday: One car edition

    We’ve been having some issues with our van for a while now, but we think we’ve finally figured it out. We replaced the whatchamacallit for $80. That helped but didn’t solve it completely, so we bought a $20 whatsit, but that wasn’t the main problem, even though we needed to replace it. So we got […]

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    Photo Spectacular

    First: Wow. Ht: The Headmistress. Again. Then: Hee! Ht: somebody else on my canadian viagra store Only men are the real victims of erectile dysfunction, for a poor sex life can often put a strain on partnerships. In such cases there are high chances that she will shed her inhibitions sooner with you and would […]

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    Aliens from below

    O Lord, how manifold are your works!In wisdom have you made them all;the earth is full of your creatures.Here is the sea, great and wide,which teems As both the generic drugs and the branded drugs are efficient but not easy on pocket and beyond reach of common man. levitra online this learningworksca.org on sale now […]

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    Okay, now I’m freaked out

    No, this has nothing to do with the Subway kerfuffle. This is what has freaked me out. Smart sharks. Smart Great White Sharks. Great. The article explains that Great Whites rarely attack human. We’re aren’t their kind of food. So what’s the worry? They’re “intelligent, highly inquisitive creatures.” Scientist Leonard Compagno explains, “They feed on […]

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    This is just fantastic. There is a tunnel under the Atlantic and people in New York can see people in London. (And vice-versa) It was supposedly started a hundred years ago. More here. I find it interesting that it is being marketed as an art project. I would like to tell you that no other […]

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