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    Hold on to what lasts

    Hold on to what lasts

    If we want to survive these very precedented times, we’d do well to look to those who’ve gone before us.

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    Picking up on cultural context

    Picking up on cultural context

    A came across this fascinating video about The Globe Theater’s attempts to perform some of Shakespeare’s plays in the original dialects. (Just a head’s up if you have little ones about: There are some bawdy jokes that are discussed–evident in the original that have been lost as dialects change.) Recently, I listened to the Teaching […]

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    We’re doing it wrong

    We’re doing it wrong

    Listen, I know only a couple of weeks ago I wrote some hard things about when we shouldn’t engage the culture. As Christians, we have to be careful not to be mindless consumers of whatever is served in the name of entertainment.  But you know what’s not good? Hiding in our little Christian or conservative […]

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    When I can’t engage the culture

    When I can’t engage the culture

    I watched neither the Grammys nor the State of the Union. I didn’t watch the State of the Union because blah, blah, blah nothing new. I didn’t watch the Grammys for a couple of reasons. First, I don’t really care about celebrity or pop culture and can’t imagine devoting several hours of my time to […]

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    Without boundaries

    Without boundaries

    A couple of days ago, The Federalist published this great article about how the overemphasis on sex has driven out all other forms of physical intimacy. In fact, “intimacy” itself has come to be a euphemism for sex. We’ve lost so much in our push to be liberated. About the same time, I came across […]

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    Let’s use our thinking caps, people!

    Let’s use our thinking caps, people!

    First there was the petition to ban Dihydrogen monoxide. AKA H2O. AKA water. To be fair, the petition gather used “the vocabulary and tone of environmental hysteria” (Penn Jillette’s own words.) But then there was the petition to repeal the Bill of Rights. In this case, the guy was pretty clear about his intent, no […]

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    Rights and responsibilities

    Rights and responsibilities

    Glenn Reynolds, (AKA the Instapundit) and Ann Althouse are having a blog post exchange on the rights and responsibilities of men and women when it comes to sex and parenting, particularly what rights men have when it comes to the children they father. It began with cases of unaccidental pregnancy and the rights and responsibilities […]

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    Engaging the culture, part 5: The key bit

    Engaging the culture, part 5: The key bit

    Just what is the plan here?  What is the purpose, the ultimate goal of  “engaging the culture”? Do we merely want to be fairly represented or even merely understood? Or is it something more? Do we want to change culture, to affect the path that our culture takes? Cole Streeper, one of the Misfits gang, […]

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    Engaging the culture, part 4: Seeing real people

    Everything is quick in our culture. We have shortcuts for everything, from cooking to communicating. Even getting to know people has become a simple endeavor. Enter appearance, occupation, socio-economic status, residence, tweets, and whatever interests you can glean in 30 seconds into a formula and voilà! You’ve got that person all sorted out, and you […]

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    Engaging the culture, part 3: Tribalism

    I’ve been writing about how we can engage the culture by emphasizing that the most useful tool we have is storytelling. However, it’s not enough just to have good stories to tell. They have to be heard in order to make an impact. You need an audience. Unfortunately, there has been a tendency for Christians to forgo […]

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