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    Trading wisdom for youth

    Trading wisdom for youth

    This year we’re studying ancient history and literature. In my opinion, combining the subjects is the only way to study any history or most literature: It gives you context for your literature and heart for your history. Now you only need a brain and your all set. Who needs courage? I digress. We are currently […]

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    Picking up on cultural context

    Picking up on cultural context

    A came across this fascinating video about The Globe Theater’s attempts to perform some of Shakespeare’s plays in the original dialects. (Just a head’s up if you have little ones about: There are some bawdy jokes that are discussed–evident in the original that have been lost as dialects change.) Recently, I listened to the Teaching […]

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    How to survive a really good idea

    How to survive a really good idea

    *This post contains affiliated links. I want to say at the outset that this post is not just for homeschoolers. I’m a homeschooling mom who is writing about a homeschooling mom that has a podcast. But this is in no way, shape, or form does this pertain only to homeschoolers. What I’m saying pertains to […]

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    Empty Shelf: We’re not dead yet(?)

    This post contains affiliated links. Title: Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business Author: Neil Postman What’s it about: See above cartoon. Actually, it’s really about how the changing technology of information transmission has changed how we learn, think, and live.  Or as Postman put it, “I will try to demonstrate […]

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    Brazen and crass

    Brazen and crass

    Some of the most fascinating videos on the web come from Russian dash cams. Almost everyone in Russia has dash cams, and the reason is because of massive insurance fraud (from both consumer and insurance company) and lax and corrupt law enforcement. The idea of recording every moment of my life, or even just of […]

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    Terrible Tuesday: hobbled

    Terrible Tuesday: hobbled

    I stepped off a step wrong and did something to my ankle. I don’t think it’s sprained because it isn’t swollen. Pulled my Achilles tendon maybe? Achilles, you scurvy dog. Whatever it is, it both hurts and hinders my ability to get around. And I really need to be able to get on Tuesdays, especially […]

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    We’re doing it wrong

    We’re doing it wrong

    Listen, I know only a couple of weeks ago I wrote some hard things about when we shouldn’t engage the culture. As Christians, we have to be careful not to be mindless consumers of whatever is served in the name of entertainment.  But you know what’s not good? Hiding in our little Christian or conservative […]

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    When I can’t engage the culture

    When I can’t engage the culture

    I watched neither the Grammys nor the State of the Union. I didn’t watch the State of the Union because blah, blah, blah nothing new. I didn’t watch the Grammys for a couple of reasons. First, I don’t really care about celebrity or pop culture and can’t imagine devoting several hours of my time to […]

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    Without boundaries

    Without boundaries

    A couple of days ago, The Federalist published this great article about how the overemphasis on sex has driven out all other forms of physical intimacy. In fact, “intimacy” itself has come to be a euphemism for sex. We’ve lost so much in our push to be liberated. About the same time, I came across […]

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    Let’s use our thinking caps, people!

    Let’s use our thinking caps, people!

    First there was the petition to ban Dihydrogen monoxide. AKA H2O. AKA water. To be fair, the petition gather used “the vocabulary and tone of environmental hysteria” (Penn Jillette’s own words.) But then there was the petition to repeal the Bill of Rights. In this case, the guy was pretty clear about his intent, no […]

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