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    The real monsters

    The real monsters

    Yesterday brought the horrific news that ISIS (ISIL/Daesh/murdering, inhuman scum) had burned alive the Jordanian pilot Lt. Muath al-Kaseasbeh. As awful as it was, and as frightening as the growing global thuggery is (see also Nigeria, Ukraine, etc.), we in America have decided we need to face the real monsters in our midst. I’m talking, […]

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    Opinions on Syria

    Opinions on Syria

    As the less offensive saying goes, opinions are like armpits. Everyone has two and they usually stink. Today at the Washington Times Community Pages, I write about the world’s most exclusive fraternity: past presidents and their opinions or lack thereof. The historian I interviewed, Doug Wead, wrote an interesting blog post on the situation. It’s […]

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    On not ceding the legal battle

    On not ceding the legal battle

    Last week, Amy Otto posted this interesting post on liberty and abortion at Pocket Full of Liberty. I agree with a great deal of it, but there is a pesky area of disagreement that keeps coming up between libertarians and pro-life activists: namely that legislation is the wrong approach. So I’ve got a response to […]

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    Annoying reminders

    I gotta situation I’m dealing with. It’s a messy situation because it deals with people. And conflict. And conflicted people. My first inclinations is to say, “To hell with them!” and go out guns blazing. (Metaphorical guns. Nobody panic!)  But my parents had me memorize all these bible verses as a kid and there’s one […]

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    Engaging the culture, part 4: Seeing real people

    Everything is quick in our culture. We have shortcuts for everything, from cooking to communicating. Even getting to know people has become a simple endeavor. Enter appearance, occupation, socio-economic status, residence, tweets, and whatever interests you can glean in 30 seconds into a formula and voilà! You’ve got that person all sorted out, and you […]

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    An appeal from a social conservative

    ED is not only a penile greyandgrey.com levitra generic vardenafil problem – Though you may think that ED is only a penile issue, the fact is that ED can be an indicator of kidney dysfunction. Former Republican National Committee Chairman Ed Gillespie (2003-2005) authored an op-ed piece in buy viagra the Washington Examiner titled “National […]

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    Civil disagreement

    The girls were asking me about the presidential elections and the primaries. Little Miss was particularly confused at why people were still voting when we’ve (Texans) already voted. She thought each state got their own president. I explained about primaries and the general elections, etc. I think I cleared that up. Or not, but she […]

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    Just a slob like one of us

    Dr. Roger Olson, professor of theology in George W. Truett Theological Seminary at Baylor University, has written, “The God of Calvinism scares me; I’m not sure how to distinguish him from the devil.” In article oddly bereft of biblical reasoning for a theologian, Olson asks, “But what if God limits himself so that much of […]

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