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    Hold on to what lasts

    Hold on to what lasts

    If we want to survive these very precedented times, we’d do well to look to those who’ve gone before us.

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  • Follow the right path, bring the right luggage

    Follow the right path, bring the right luggage

    Don’t miss Mike Rowe’s 5-minute commencement speech. It’s good advice The generic version of viagra discounts was primarily developed to treat sexual problems in men. And, although it hasn’t been proven by science, they also insist that there’s something else in it that is helpful in making the blood flow towards the penile line uk […]

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    Living a contented life

    Living a contented life

    Today’s C.S. Lewis quote: The whole lesson of my life has been that no ‘methods of stimulation’ are of any lasting use. They are indeed like drugs—a stronger dose is needed each time and soon no possible dose is effective. We must not bother about thrills at all. Do the present duty—bear the present pain—enjoy […]

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    It all began with a trip to the museum

    It all began with a trip to the museum

    Or maybe it all began with a troll’s haircut. Whenever it began, the result was that Janet Stephens, a hairdresser from Maryland got curious about something. Starting from her own knowledge and expertise as a hair stylist, she kept learning and experimenting until she rewrote the book on hairdressing in the ancient world. But back […]

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    My unknown need

    My unknown need

      This past weekend, I went to the Great Homeschool Convention in Ft. Worth. Well, I bounced back and forth between the convention and my crazy schedule. I was ambivalent about going, but there were a couple of speakers who piqued my interest, and I needed to order our next math books. When a friend […]

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    Baby steps to a commonplace books

    Baby steps to a commonplace books

    Last fall, I decided I wanted to start a commonplace book. Very simply, a commonplace book is a place where you collect quotes, selections from books, poetry, etc. It’s a good way to keep and meditate on the wisdom we come across through our reading.  George Washington’s “Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior” is the […]

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    Today should be a national holiday

    Today should be a national holiday

    It should be a feast with sausage-based foods (i.e. ground hog) and viewing of the Groundhog Day, which is one of the most profound movies of all time. And if you do nothing else to mark this day, you should read Jonah Goldberg’s great treatise on the film. (Yes, even if you don’t finish this […]

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    You’ll never finish

    You’ll never finish

    And that’s okay. It’s to be expected, actually. C.S. Lewis wrote, “The second enemy is frustration–the feeling that we shall not have time to finish. If I say to you that no one has time to finish, that the longest human life leaves a man, in any branch of learning, a beginner, I shall seem […]

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    Trading wisdom for youth

    Trading wisdom for youth

    This year we’re studying ancient history and literature. In my opinion, combining the subjects is the only way to study any history or most literature: It gives you context for your literature and heart for your history. Now you only need a brain and your all set. Who needs courage? I digress. We are currently […]

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    Anyone who has kids knows they have a tendency to fixate on certain things. And I don’t know if it’s all boys or just my boys, but they can fixate much more intensely and persistently than my daughters ever did. (They also are distracted at the drop of the hat. That’s the parenting paradox for […]

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