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    You stupid, special snowflakes

    You stupid, special snowflakes

    Art, so I’ve been told by people smarter than me, is meant to provoke, to cause people to think, and maybe even to take action. Colleges are also supposed to be places where people are challenged to think, sometimes even by provocative arguments or displays. But today’s college students and faculty are apparently such special […]

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    Let’s use our thinking caps, people!

    Let’s use our thinking caps, people!

    First there was the petition to ban Dihydrogen monoxide. AKA H2O. AKA water. To be fair, the petition gather used “the vocabulary and tone of environmental hysteria” (Penn Jillette’s own words.) But then there was the petition to repeal the Bill of Rights. In this case, the guy was pretty clear about his intent, no […]

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    Do you think they’ll take a coupon for that?

    Do you think they’ll take a coupon for that?

    Today in my Washington Times Community Pages column I talk about higher education inflation: the whys, wherefores, and what nexts: Midway through July, stores are already filled with back to school supplies and some fantastic deals. For college students, there will be bargain shopping for new laptops and extra-long sheets, but unfortunately, a good deal […]

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    Preparing for the unknown

    Next year, my oldest child will be in 8th grade, which means I have one year to prepare to homeschool a high school student. Homeschooling through high school brings up all sorts of anxieties, not only because of the challenges of high school, but because you also have to prepare both your child for college–mentally, […]

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    Terrible Tuesday

    Today is the first day of the “full schedule Tuesday” that will run through the beginning of November. Occupational therapy, Girl Scouts, softball. And it’s not actually the “full schedule,” next week could add a tee ball and/or a baseball game to the mix. Terrible Tuesday, indeed. Links! On the topic of education, Seth Godin […]

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    Bring on the snark

    I love snarky and sarcastic. I especially love sarcasm when it is used to make a point and not just show off. (Not that I have ever used a particularly clever jibe to show off. No, not me. Never.) Ahem. Anyway, three great snarks communicating important issues– This very interesting piece on Christians and culture […]

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    Another unsocialized homeschooler

    From a Washington Post article on King’s College, a Christian college in the heart of New York City: The King’s style of “new Christian urbanism,” as Olasky calls it, frowns on hard-sell proselytizing. But students at the King’s have been known to strike up conversations in the city with strangers, hoping at minimum to change […]

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