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    Rights and responsibilities

    Rights and responsibilities

    Glenn Reynolds, (AKA the Instapundit) and Ann Althouse are having a blog post exchange on the rights and responsibilities of men and women when it comes to sex and parenting, particularly what rights men have when it comes to the children they father. It began with cases of unaccidental pregnancy and the rights and responsibilities […]

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    Precious fight

    Precious fight

    Radiolab, if you aren’t familiar, “is a show about curiosity. Where sound illuminates ideas, and the boundaries blur between science, philosophy, and human experience.”  Which, when translated, means a fascinating radio program that focuses mainly on scientific topics and how they relate to and affect people. It also translates science into language that non-scientists can […]

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    A different kind of Labor

    I’m collecting my thoughts and impressions on the Palin pick, for anyone who cares. There’s a lot of information to filter through, a bunch of loonies spouting nonsense and a surprising number of enlightened progressive types worried that Gov. Palin isn’t at home with her children, presumably barefoot and baking cookies. It’s entertaining, at least […]

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