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    Human exceptionism and the personhood standard

    Human exceptionism and the personhood standard

    I’m doing some research for some presentations and came across this excellent presentation by Wesley Smith. It’s about 30 minutes, and very worth the time. The Question: Does human life have ultimate value, merely because it is human life? Is our humanity relevant to our moral value? If the answer is “No,” then what does […]

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    Let’s use our thinking caps, people!

    Let’s use our thinking caps, people!

    First there was the petition to ban Dihydrogen monoxide. AKA H2O. AKA water. To be fair, the petition gather used “the vocabulary and tone of environmental hysteria” (Penn Jillette’s own words.) But then there was the petition to repeal the Bill of Rights. In this case, the guy was pretty clear about his intent, no […]

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    The right of self-determination is held dear by Texans. We believe in our bones that we ought to decide for ourselves how to live, where to live, and what to do with our lives. Unfortunately, Texans are denied self-determination in one very critical area. Under current health care policy, Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders on […]

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    Linking is blogging

    My blog is entitled “Question the Culture” based on the premise that I will, indeed, question the culture. And I’m actually working on a post on what we do when cultures clash. Really. I’ve been working on it for over a week. But it’s not done yet. So I’m going to link to people who […]

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