Argh! I’ve been working on this stupid blog post for a week. Then yesterday, it comes out that the researcher faked his data. Stupid scientist. (PSA: Science is a process, not a religion, not “facts.” Science is done by humans whom–whatever their academic qualifications–are just as prone to being lying jerks as the rest of humanity.) […]
Everything is quick in our culture. We have shortcuts for everything, from cooking to communicating. Even getting to know people has become a simple endeavor. Enter appearance, occupation, socio-economic status, residence, tweets, and whatever interests you can glean in 30 seconds into a formula and voilà! You’ve got that person all sorted out, and you […]
Because I’ve told this story twice in the past week and I’m too tired to blog anything that makes my brain work: a story about Sprite, my 8-year-old daughter. (That’s so you can skip this if you’d rather not read a mommy blogging post.) Last fall, I was taking Sprite to something softball related and […]