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    War stories and adventure tales

    War stories and adventure tales

    *This post contains affiliated links   I just finished reading The Aeneid with my daughters. Previously, we read (well, listened to) The Iliad and The Odyssey. These three epics are arguably three pillars of all Western Literature. (A fourth being the Bible.) Of the three, I had only read The Iliad previously, although I was […]

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    Terrible Tuesday: I want my summer!

    Terrible Tuesday: I want my summer!

    Summer started and then we got really busy and, well, this doesn’t feel like summer to me. I-demand-my-lazy-days links! First, a slew of heroes. The last of the original Navajo code-talkers has died. The Navajo code arguably turned the tide of the war in the Pacific, as the Japanese were able to break every code […]

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    Try to imagine

    Try to imagine

    Sometimes we say to those who have lost and are hurting, “I can’t imagine.” I think that’s an unwise and potentially hurtful thing to say. We can’t empathize unless we try to imagine, try to put ourselves in someone else’s shoes. Is imagining and empathizing the same thing as the actual experience? Of course not. […]

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    My mom is

    My mom is

    faithful, kind, gentle, compassionate, strong, courageous, funny, but more than that, joyful, inquisitive, intelligent, Sports viagra buy usa http://www.donssite.com/truckphoto/Tractor_pulls_Fergus_Truck_Show.htm injuries can be broadly classified as either traumatic or overuse injuries. Directions: Take Shilajit capsule twice daily viagra cialis on line for 6 months. Contraindications: Kamagra Oral Jelly is contraindicated in patients taking an alternate drug […]

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    Emphasis on happy

    Emphasis on happy

    I was reading Dave Barry’s hilarious if depressing Year in Review when I started wondering if anything good happened last year. Because I don’t know about you, but 2013 kinda stunk up the joint as every year in review article has emphasized. So I went on a hunt for some good news so that “Happy New […]

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    Beauty from ashes

    Beauty from ashes

    The world is sometimes a hard and cruel place.  But as bad as things get and as awful as people can be to one another, sometimes they are almost too wonderful to behold. The people of the Philippines have been hit by the worst storm in recorded history. They are suffering greatly and will need our […]

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    Terrible Tuesday: Oh boy

    Terrible Tuesday: Oh boy

    Tuesdays have been pretty intense this fall, with 3 hours of occupational therapy, an hour of speech therapy, and one and a half hours of Orchestra, not to mention the 2 to 3 hours of driving. Just to keep things interesting, we’ve decided to throw in a softball game every Tuesday for the next month. […]

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    Passing on the memory

    Passing on the memory

    Today we mark 12 years since the horrific attack on our nation.  Today we stop and remember, but remembering isn’t enough. We must pass on the story to our children so that they will also know. This is one of those harder aspects of parenting they leave out of the sales pitch. It is a […]

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    All history is biography

    All history is biography

    (This post contains affiliated links.) We just finished Carry On, Mr. Bowditch by Jean Lee Latham — an excellent book and highly recommended — and my appetite was whetted.  I had never heard of Nathaniel Bowditch in my American history studies. While I’m no history scholar, I’m better read than the average bear. If the fictionalized […]

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    Honoring Sacrifice

    Honoring Sacrifice

    Today, we took the kids to the Dallas-Fort Worth National Cemetery for the Memorial Day Ceremonies. It was a beautiful service, and  it’s such a privilege to witness such observances. My boys, in particular, asked lots of questions and the day was full of teachable moments for them as well as for me. “Why do […]

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