I love snarky and sarcastic. I especially love sarcasm when it is used to make a point and not just show off. (Not that I have ever used a particularly clever jibe to show off. No, not me. Never.)
Anyway, three great snarks communicating important issues–
This very interesting piece on Christians and culture by Carl Truman at Reformation21 where he exhorts us to be less concerned with relevant and more concerned with the biblical. A taste:
First, I am struck, by and large, with the coincidence of the concerns of the cultural Christian types and those of the middle class chatterati. Plenty of talk about Christian approaches to art, music, literature, sex, even international politics. All very interesting subjects, I’m sure, and the topics of many a chardonnay-fuelled discussion after a hearty dinner party. But what about subjects that aren’t quite so interesting? Take street sweepers, for example; or hotel lavatory attendants; or workers on an umbrella manufacturing line. Why no conference on the Christian philosophy underlying these vital callings and trades? After all, imagine how gruesome a Christian conference on international poverty would be if it was held in the pouring rain in the Ritz Carlton hotel in some big city, but there were no road sweepers, lavatory attendants, and umbrella makers. Wet, dirty and unhygienic, I would guess.
There is this sharper, hilarious critique of Bart Ehrman’s newest homage to himself. I heard this guy on NPR once and was so disgusted I would have squished his head. Attractive pump in Pakistan accompanies three various sleeves to fulfill all sizes of sexual organ penis which precisely fit to all sizes. generic levitra Men bearing from Peyronie s disease should scorn the practice of generic viagra purchase 100mg online as it may be early sign of serious health problem like cardiovascular problems, diabetes, kidney problem, and hypertension. Although Apple does not viagra price http://mouthsofthesouth.com/how-auctions-work/ directly disapprove or jailbreakers, it is always conceivable that they might later on. Causes of Erectile Dysfunction There are various ED causes which includes aging, high blood pressure, cigarette viagra no smoking, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, depression, medication side effects, nerve or spinal cord damage, alcoholism or other medications abuse, pelvic surgery which include radical prostatectomy, penile/perineal/pelvic trauma including pelvic fracture, pelvic radiation, Peyronie’s disease, and low testosterone levels. I think Ehrman abandoned God when he realized that, in fact, Ehrman himself wasn’t God. But he’s still interviewing for the job. (I’ve had to cut back on my NPR listening, all the eye-rolling was causing eye strain.) From the review well-deserved smack down:
Ehrman starts most of his chapters by noting contemporary evils that he seems to think the rest of us have failed to notice (curiously, few of them are generally committed by people who work in North American universities and drive Volvos). Then he cites a biblical text to illustrate how woefully God flops. He makes no attempt to explore the complexity of the evils cited; nor does he make much attempt to delve into the complexity of the biblical texts themselves. He has a tin ear for the literary nuance and subtlety in these texts. . .
And, finally, this less sarcastic, but still pointed interview of Branford Salis snatched from an interesting post the Headmistress wrote, “How college became the default.” (It’s good, you should read it.) Please note, Mr. Salis uses a word that you might not want your children to hear/repeat. It’s in the first few seconds. Just a head’s up.
Snark-a-palooza, baby!