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    Harrison Bergeron, the prequel

    Harrison Bergeron, the prequel

    “THE YEAR WAS 2081, and everybody was finally equal. They weren’t only equal before God and the law. They were equal every which way. Nobody was smarter than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else. All this equality was due to the 211th, 212th, and […]

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    You stupid, special snowflakes

    You stupid, special snowflakes

    Art, so I’ve been told by people smarter than me, is meant to provoke, to cause people to think, and maybe even to take action. Colleges are also supposed to be places where people are challenged to think, sometimes even by provocative arguments or displays. But today’s college students and faculty are apparently such special […]

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    Olympic conundrum

    Olympic conundrum

    The Olympics are always tinged with controversy, and this year’s event is no different.  There are serious and legitimate concerns about the Russian government’s abuse of their people, terrorist threats, and the media acting as propaganda and covering it all up. As was the case at the Beijing Olympics, activists say that the Olympics allow […]

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    Annoying reminders

    I gotta situation I’m dealing with. It’s a messy situation because it deals with people. And conflict. And conflicted people. My first inclinations is to say, “To hell with them!” and go out guns blazing. (Metaphorical guns. Nobody panic!)  But my parents had me memorize all these bible verses as a kid and there’s one […]

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    Do you do Santa?

    This post from the Deputy Headmistress made me laugh. I can just see a precocious little six-year-old staring her down and demanding the truth. The whole “Santa Issue” can start some pretty interesting conversations among Christian. And by interesting, I mean petty name-calling and indignant self-righteousness. Neither side is immune. The “heathens and idolators” give […]

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