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Another unsocialized homeschooler

From a Washington Post article on King’s College, a Christian college in the heart of New York City:

The King’s style of “new Christian urbanism,” as Olasky calls it, frowns on hard-sell proselytizing. But students at the King’s have been known to strike up conversations in the city with strangers, hoping at minimum to change their mind about evangelicals. The most outgoing and nerviest is David Lapp, who takes semi-regular field trips to the campus of New York University and approaches people with lines like “Do you want to discuss big ideas?” or “What do you think is the good life?”

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My theory: home education can give people the freedom to do things that institutionalized education would have “socialized” out of them. Is there a tendency among homeschoolers to try new things and take different paths because they’ve never got the peer message: “That can’t/shouldn’t be done”? Discuss.

5 responses to “Another unsocialized homeschooler”

  1. Carrie Avatar

    In the words of Shel Silverstein-
    “Listen to the mustn’ts, child. Listen to the don’ts. Listen to the shouldn’ts, the impossibles, the won’ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me… Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.”

  2. April Avatar

    Love that poem. There was a period (of about 3 months) that the girls picked that poetry book every night and I chose that poem to read almost every night.

    But I posit that homeschooling better equips a person to ignore those musn’ts because he hears them less often while doing his foundational thinking. Agree? Disagree? Think I’m crazy. (Other than my regular crazy.)

  3. Carrie Avatar

    I totally agree with you.

    But they will still hear some mustn’ts. Maybe from you (unconsciously of course), Sunday school teachers or from other kids. The importance, I think, in the homeschool experience (from my experience), is that the kid is the focus of the education giving them the confidence to step out of the box or to push passed their own insecurities.

  4. April Avatar

    Well, right now we’re working on “You mustn’t hit mommy with your light saber.” But yes, I am constantly aware of my sins and failings that I teach them through words and actions. But (hopefully) those messages are not as pronounced as the relentless drum of conformity found in institutionalized schools.

    The challenge is to shape and guide without squashing the good. And, in my opinion, encourage the weirdness that is unique to each of them. Go weird!

  5. Carrie Avatar

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