Third night in a row I’m up at three in the morning. It all begins with Jack the Brat (official new nickname) deciding he needs to go out. But then my mind says, “You’re up! Think about stuff. And more stuff! Ooh, have you considered this?” Stupid mind. Anyway, might as well get something useful […]
School still doesn’t start till next week, but all the appointments are now back on the calendar. That means an extra six hours in the car a week, which means the return of audio books! This year is slightly different because the girls will not be trekking to the boys therapy appointments this year, so […]
We went to bed early because MTG had to be up at 4 am. But I tossed and turned for an hour or so. No big, I can sleep in. Except when MTG got up, I woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep for a couple of hours. I finally did get back to […]
Have you ever noticed that how when you get more of something — time, space, money, etc. — you expand to fill it up? If you move to a bigger house, in a couple of months it’s as cluttered as your smaller space. A raise gets spent as soon as it’s earned, and an opening […]
This month marks two remarkable anniversaries in American history, although remarkable for quite different reasons. The first (or second chronologically, but first in our hearts and minds) is the anniversary of the moon landing. On July 20, 1969, Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong, and Michael Collins were the first of the most elite group of humans: […]
If you say it enough, it starts to sound like nonsense. It even looks like nonsense. I missed the summer solstice. Well, I didn’t miss it, because I was on planet earth. But since it was 10:51 Universal time or 5:51 local time, I was sleeping. As God intended. The June solstice, as I’m sure […]
Our Tuesday appointments are over for the summer. Happy dance! Don’t waste your summer. Embrace boredom! Have a 70s summer! Or not. Is eating fruits and vegetables good for you? Ultimately, who cares? “Life is for living.” So what can eating watermelons cialis properien do for erectile dysfunction and how methods such as penis […]
Like a lot of homeschoolers, we don’t do a traditional summer break. But while we don’t stop our lessons completely, we do scale back and leave plenty of time for lazy hours by the pool and even a trip or two. So the general plan is a couple of hours of lessons and lots of lollygagging. […]
Texas is in the middle of a prolonged drought, so all the rain is very welcome. Except when you leave your windows rolled down while going to the grocery store and come out to a downpour. That’s unfortunate. Soggy links! I have a dream. A backyard dream! Now I just need money, time, and labor […]