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    The End of an Era

    The End of an Era

      Yesterday, we pulled down the kids swing set/fort/backdrop for all things magical. We’ve been planning to take it down for a couple of years now — when we had the time. But time is one thing that we always seem to be lacking. Finally, MTG went out and took a look at it. He […]

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    Joyful chaos

    Joyful chaos

    Satchmo was born eight years ago today, two weeks before Christmas and the same day my husband finally received the long-awaited transfer from Virginia to Texas. It was a chaotic time, to say the least: new baby, selling our house, and moving across the country. Symbolic of this chaos: he was born (via c-section) peeing […]

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    Happy birthday, Wonder Woman

    Happy birthday, Wonder Woman

    She’s not the “official” Wonder Woman, but she’s absolutely the real deal. Brilliant   Resourceful   Fierce and funny Shatavari improves functioning new.castillodeprincesas.com cialis properien of your reproductive organs. You free cheap viagra loved that have to check your carbohydrates and the amount of protein you eat. As per a research was done by an […]

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    Memory endures

    Memory endures

    Are you a fox or a hedgehog? A fox knows many things and a hedgehog knows one thing well.  My grandfather was a foxy hedgehog. Or maybe a hedgehoggy fox. He had a wide variety of hobbies and interest, and he did them all well. He was a photographer, a genealogist, a gardener, a collector […]

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    Thanksgiving devotions

    Thanksgiving devotions

    One of my favorite family traditions is the practice of having family worship. However, we do run into difficulties. While some families seem to have great success just reading through the Bible, our family needs more structure. We’ve used a number of different devotionals over the years, and they almost all seem to be geared […]

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    How to survive a really good idea

    How to survive a really good idea

    *This post contains affiliated links. I want to say at the outset that this post is not just for homeschoolers. I’m a homeschooling mom who is writing about a homeschooling mom that has a podcast. But this is in no way, shape, or form does this pertain only to homeschoolers. What I’m saying pertains to […]

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    Time flies

    Time flies

    From this . . . to this . . . Heavy smoking damages your healthy blood flow and cause erectile dysfunction. free viagra on line http://seanamic.com/oceanographic-and-marine-science/ As you can understand that in the state of Texas and you have never had a driver’s license, you will be required to take cheap viagra usa an Adult […]

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    Today, our daughters get smartphones. Or smartish phones. While we’re not quite Amish, we tend to be late adopters when it comes to technology and our kids. Of course, compared to some of our friends, we’re cutting edge. I guess it’s all in the eye of the beholder. We’ve drawn up a contract using this […]

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    Three cheers for dads!

    Three cheers for dads!

    Last weekend, I had the chance to share a room with my sister again as neither of our husband’s could make my nephew’s graduation. (Top 10%, thank you very much.) Because of some other stuff going on, we were talking about how truly blessed we were to grow up in a family with a loving, […]

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    No longer my baby girl

    No longer my baby girl

    Except she’ll always be my baby girl. Look at this photo I’m almost positive was taken last week! I may be off on the date. Anyway, Little Miss turns 14 today. She’s not a child. She’s not yet a full-fledged adult with all the rights and privileges thereof, but she’s well on her way. She’s […]

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