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    No longer my baby girl

    No longer my baby girl

    Except she’ll always be my baby girl. Look at this photo I’m almost positive was taken last week! I may be off on the date. Anyway, Little Miss turns 14 today. She’s not a child. She’s not yet a full-fledged adult with all the rights and privileges thereof, but she’s well on her way. She’s […]

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    Life lesson

    Life lesson

    It’s important to be able to say, “I don’t know.” Moreover, it’s important to say, “I don’t know” and then leave it at that. While often that phrase launches a search for knowledge, it doesn’t always have to. We can just not know something. We can be okay with unanswered questions and “gaps” in our […]

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    Not so lazy Sunday

    Not so lazy Sunday

    Church and library and bills and grocery list and other library and grocery store and homeschool planning and something else that I can’t remember right now. Maybe two of those. Time enough to sleep when you’re dead, right? I don’t think I’m doing this day of rest thing right. Have some mom-memes while I run […]

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    Planning for the new year

    Planning for the new year

    This past weekend we spent a lot of time organizing our homeschool stuff and throwing out a lot of old papers. OLD papers. Papers that originated in Virginia, where we haven’t lived since February 2007. Out with the old, in with …well, not a lot new. I guess technically I’m “planning” our upcoming school year, […]

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    Sometimes it’s wise to be rude

    Sometimes it’s wise to be rude

    This post (which is tangentially about Zimmerman, but worth the read even if you’re oversaturated) talks about the need to profile and being safe: I used to tell my students to pay attention to their instincts. If you get a bad vibe off of somebody, for whatever reason, pay attention to it. That doesn’t make […]

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  • Irreplaceable

    There are a handful of people in all of human history that are truly irreplaceable, that without them things most likely would have gone horribly, tragically wrong.  Odds are you aren’t one of those people.  You, while no doubt competent and wonderful, are not irreplaceable. The only place you are irreplaceable is in the life […]

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