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    Unexpected lesson

    Unexpected lesson

      My eldest daughter has been reading Alexander Pope’s Essay on Man. She’s also decided that would be her poem to memorize this month. (Not the whole thing, just a couple of sections.) I was asking her about it today two days ago in lieu of a written narration, because Tuesday is still Tuesday, dangit. (Tuesday is […]

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    Fine Arts Friday: Train up a child the way she should go

    Fine Arts Friday: Train up a child the way she should go

    And when she’s a teenager, you’re taking her to Piano Guys concerts instead of One Direction*. Happy belated birthday, sweet girl! And for the record, the Piano Guys put on an amazing show.  Check out their latest video. Batman! (Do stay around for the outtakes.) It is one of the commonest female problems is loss […]

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    No longer my baby girl

    No longer my baby girl

    Except she’ll always be my baby girl. Look at this photo I’m almost positive was taken last week! I may be off on the date. Anyway, Little Miss turns 14 today. She’s not a child. She’s not yet a full-fledged adult with all the rights and privileges thereof, but she’s well on her way. She’s […]

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    Mother-daughter outing for books!

    Mother-daughter outing for books!

    This weekend is the Arlington Homeschool Book Fair. It’s always the second weekend of May: Mother’s Day weekend, the busiest month of the school year, and when I have just had it with lessons in general. But the pull of books — and free shipping on our Math-U-See materials — is strong. I like to actually […]

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    Fine Arts Friday: Handicrafts

    Fine Arts Friday: Handicrafts

    Since the beginning of our homeschooling journey, I’ve always been a bit gun-shy of crafts. When the kids were younger, it wasn’t that big of an issue, because preschool arts and crafts are about the level of my skill. But there are a lot of grotesquely creative homeschooling moms. Their craft projects original, interesting, and […]

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    Terrible Tuesday: A new adventure

    Terrible Tuesday: A new adventure

    Thirteen years ago today… Our Little Miss is 13. My heart is overflowing with all sorts of emotions. I can barely believe that this used to be her! And us! Man, we were noobs. She was only 4lb 15 oz when she was born. Other than being small, she was very healthy, but she was […]

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    The effects of reading

    As part of their history studies, the girls are reading Common Sense by Thomas Paine. My 12- year-old brought me this, underlined in her kindle, with the remark, “It’s just like today.” “And a serious mind can draw no true pleasure by conviction, that what he calls “the present constitution” is merely temporary. As parents, […]

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    Taking my mind off the pain

    Tomorrow morning, my Little Miss will be eight. EIGHT. This is difficult. I don’t think I want her to be eight. It’s half way to sixteen and sailing around the world. I’m linking to this weeks Carnival of Homeschooling to help take my mind of it. Of course, she won’t be sailing around the world […]

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