Are you a fox or a hedgehog? A fox knows many things and a hedgehog knows one thing well. My grandfather was a foxy hedgehog. Or maybe a hedgehoggy fox. He had a wide variety of hobbies and interest, and he did them all well. He was a photographer, a genealogist, a gardener, a collector […]
My grandpa would have been 78 today. He died March 14, 2008. He was an amazing man, a man of many interest and talents. One of the things he loved most was photography. So today, in honor of him and in gratitude of his life and legacy, here are a few of his photographs. This […]
I’ve been thinking of my grandpa a lot lately. My grandma gave us his recliner and my parent’s were down (up? over?) a couple of weeks ago to deliver it. I can just see him propped up “reading” the newspaper with eyes closed. I have a screensaver that scrolls through my digital photo albums. Pictures […]