If you fail a book challenge, does that mean the books win?
Today, sitting beside my father’s hospital bed, I finished I’d Rather Be Reading: The Delights and Dilemmas of the Reading Life by Anne Bogel. This was a Christmas gift — one of three books for book lovers, I received (Book Girl and On Reading Well were the other two in this trinity.) I’ve been […]
This post may contain affiliated links. I’m back with books I’ve finally finished in February! This may be a thing! (I also survived February, which is almost a miracle. February is a jerk.) This first book I finished was Jayber Crow by Wendell Berry. This was actually a reread, and I was reading along with […]
This post may contain affiliated links. This is a test run of a new method to record/review the books I’ve read. It’s titled “Finally Finished” because I have a bad habit of setting down a book and not picking it up for months. The current plan is to give a line or two of my […]
This post contains affiliated links. All the books in this post are audiobooks and were recommended by the same source – Anne Bogel, A.K.A. Modern Mrs. Darcy, who has an amazing podcast that is horrible for both my bank account and my to-be-read stack. I love it! These four books include my favorite book from […]
My eldest daughter has been reading Alexander Pope’s Essay on Man. She’s also decided that would be her poem to memorize this month. (Not the whole thing, just a couple of sections.) I was asking her about it today two days ago in lieu of a written narration, because Tuesday is still Tuesday, dangit. (Tuesday is […]
Remember getting totally lost in a book as a kid? On a snow day or rainy summer day or long after bedtime under the covers, do you remember reading for the sheer joy of being lost in a story? Wouldn’t it be awesome to do that again? Well, now you have a perfect excuse. It’s Drop […]
Title: The Reading Promise: My Father and the Books We Shared Author: Alice Ozma What’s it about: Imagine someone looking at your life through the lens of one family tradition. I can’t think of many Thompson traditions that would lend themselves to such a view (chocolate chip pancakes on Saturday mornings probably wouldn’t offer much […]
*This post contains affiliated links. I want to say at the outset that this post is not just for homeschoolers. I’m a homeschooling mom who is writing about a homeschooling mom that has a podcast. But this is in no way, shape, or form does this pertain only to homeschoolers. What I’m saying pertains to […]
Title: How to Read Slowly: Reading for Comprehension Author: James W. Sire The primary scales that the survey evaluates are: Excitable – moody, easily irritable, and best viagra in uk hard to satisfy, and handling stress by getting out of relationships. Here are some of the suggested and effective buy sildenafil uk ways to […]