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No longer my baby girl

Except she’ll always be my baby girl. Look at this photo I’m almost positive was taken last week!

LM beginning

I may be off on the date. Anyway, Little Miss turns 14 today. She’s not a child. She’s not yet a full-fledged adult with all the rights and privileges thereof, but she’s well on her way. She’s an apprentice adult, learning under our guidance, but assuming more and more responsibility daily.

She’s learned to take initiative for her own interests. She orders her day and meets her deadlines, with minimal oversight from us. Yes, she still has much to learn before she leaves our home in as little as four short years *gulp*, but she’s quite capable of gaining that knowledge.

That person that we got glimpses and promises of as a child is coming into sharp relief. Her faith is her own — not the faith a child has in her parents’ teaching, but the faith a person has when they truly know God. Likewise, her values, morals, and beliefs — the things that motivate and drive her — are more and more her own.

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Happy birthday, Little Miss. What a gift you are.


LM now


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