Ten years ago today, Ronald Reagan died. Fifty years ago this year, he gave what may have been his most important speech, “A Time for Choosing.” In a thirty-minute campaign commercial, he laid out the case for liberty and against encroaching government. His warnings were prescient, and his arguments still valid. If you prefer to […]
Technically, this is not President’s Day. Oh, I know what the mattress and car sales pitches say, but officially the holiday is “George Washington’s Birthday.” But because it comes so soon after President Lincoln’s birthday, we’ve smooshed them together in our minds. Even more, we’ve added in all the presidents — some of whom […]
My friend Jimmie tweeted this awesome picture about the latest government kerfuffle. Yes, the GOP rolled over again on borrowing more money. Same story, different day. Blah blah blah. George Santayana famously said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” On the other hand, perhaps I see too much of the […]
This post contains affiliated links Today is the 50th anniversary of not one, but three influential men: John F. Kennedy (as if you could miss that news), C.S. Lewis (all the Christians say “Woohoo!”), and Aldous Huxley (“Hey! It’s that guy!”). Kennedy is getting the most attention by far, but Lewis is also getting his […]
As the less offensive saying goes, opinions are like armpits. Everyone has two and they usually stink. Today at the Washington Times Community Pages, I write about the world’s most exclusive fraternity: past presidents and their opinions or lack thereof. The historian I interviewed, Doug Wead, wrote an interesting blog post on the situation. It’s […]
Forty-four Forty-three* men have held the office of President of the United States, and although the quality has varied, they’ve all managed to say at least something wise or witty. So I give you Presidential Quotes! (*President Obama is number 44 because Cleveland grabbed two, non-consecutive spots. Greedy.) 1. “Government is not reason; it is […]
President Ronald Reagan was rightly called “The Great Communicator.” Here is one of his finest speeches, at a moment of great national loss and grieving. More great quotes and speeches from our 40th president. Full text of his speech: Ladies and Gentlemen, I’d planned to speak to you tonight to report on the state of […]
In honor of Presidents Day, I give you Presidential Quotes! Yes, technically and legally, it’s just George Washington’s Birthday (observed.) Live a little. I chose quotes that I found interesting, profound, funny, or telling from each of the 43 presidents. (Some president’s got two quotes. Abraham Lincoln got 18. Yeah, the other presidents were jealous. […]
About three years ago, I started reading biographies of the presidents. I was going along swimmingly until I met Martin Van Buren. Martin Van Buren, the 8th president, was a consummate politician. He was great at the backroom deals, the coalition building, the compromises that make successful politicians successful. But reading about that? Deadly dull. […]
After eight years, President Bush returns to civilian life tomorrow. I voted for him twice, but I have not always been his biggest fan. But he has kept us safe in a very scary world. He has been a faithful, unwavering friend to the unborn. He stood for the least in Africa Generally urine does […]