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    Picking up the check

    Picking up the check

    Everything we do requires trade-offs. Say “yes” to one opportunity, and you have to say “no” to others. Choose the right turn; miss out on the adventures to your left. Everything has an opportunity cost, and there is no way to avoid paying it. TANSTAAFL and all that jazz. One of the marks of maturity […]

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    Harrison Bergeron, the prequel

    Harrison Bergeron, the prequel

    “THE YEAR WAS 2081, and everybody was finally equal. They weren’t only equal before God and the law. They were equal every which way. Nobody was smarter than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else. All this equality was due to the 211th, 212th, and […]

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    The real monsters

    The real monsters

    Yesterday brought the horrific news that ISIS (ISIL/Daesh/murdering, inhuman scum) had burned alive the Jordanian pilot Lt. Muath al-Kaseasbeh. As awful as it was, and as frightening as the growing global thuggery is (see also Nigeria, Ukraine, etc.), we in America have decided we need to face the real monsters in our midst. I’m talking, […]

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    Our own masters?

    Our own masters?

    Sometimes you come across something so unbelievable stupid, you want to facepalm, smack the fool out of people, and bless their hearts all at the same time. For example: Um. <blinking eyes rapidly> pic.twitter.com/TfLukF48ZO — Mollie (@MZHemingway) January 28, 2015 For example with buy cialis line this is something you will probably need to buy […]

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    An appeal to my fellow Gen-Xers

    An appeal to my fellow Gen-Xers

    Kids are funny. Their responses are unfiltered by cultural conventions. They say what they mean and they mean what they say. And honestly, if we weren’t allowed to laugh at our kids, none of us would survive parenthood. Gen-Xers*, in particular, seem to make their way through life by mocking most everything, and parenthood is […]

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    Making better people

    Making better people

    When I first started homeschooling, people would ask, “They let you do that?” I had to work to keep calm when answering, not because I was irritated at the questioner, but because of the too-common assumptions behind the question. “They” (the government) “let” (gives their consent to) “you” (Me: a private, free citizen) “do that?” […]

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    Be smarter

    Be smarter

    Tuesday morning was the first of four total lunar eclipses that will occur over the next 18 months. The total lunar eclipse is often called a blood moon because. . . science. Something about the light spectrum (explanation here, scroll down a bit). Why is the sky blue and all that jazz. Apparently, some Christian […]

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  • Hilarious injustice

    Hilarious injustice

    There’s an amusing story out of Pakistan where a nine-month-old baby was charged with attempted murder. Now the baby, who can’t yet walk, is on the lam. So funny, that a justice system could take this nonsense to the point of fingerprinting a child. Can you imagine the grief the cop who charged him is […]

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  • Let’s just drop the act

    Let’s just drop the act

    Last fall, we reverted to “standard” time on November 3. Barely four months later, we’re back on Daylight Saving Time. During those four months, the days are short and miserable anyway, so who cares if sunrise is at 7 or 8?  Stop messing with our circadian rhythms and just stick to Daylight Saving Time, call […]

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    None ya!

    None ya!

    That is the delightful response I got from my dad whenever anyone would ask an impertinent question about something that was none of his business. I thought of that when I read this cringe-worthy post by the hilarious Jon Acuff on being single at Christmas. I want to say I can’t believe people really say […]

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