I’m a big fan of doing things efficiently and competently. I don’t like to waste my time, and I certainly don’t like it when other people waste my time. Alas, I have children, so time gets wasted. But I do appreciate hacks, tips, tricks, and other inventive methods that make life just a little easier. […]
That is the delightful response I got from my dad whenever anyone would ask an impertinent question about something that was none of his business. I thought of that when I read this cringe-worthy post by the hilarious Jon Acuff on being single at Christmas. I want to say I can’t believe people really say […]
I don’t do bumper stickers. I did when I was young and driving a ’85 Mustang, but then again I did a lot of things then that I wouldn’t do now. But I don’t do bumper stickers. For one thing, like everyone else, I have occasional moments of driving stupidity. Not usually, but occasionally. And […]
We’re back from a long trip to Minnesota, then further into Minnesota (Duluth), and then back to Texas again. We drove more than 3,000 miles. We have seen the breadbasket of America and the results are . . . This polo tablet should not exercise along with other drugs such as azole antifungal medicines; nitroprusside […]