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    A world gone mad

    Anne points to a sad view of justice in our times. What do we value and why? Certainly not other people. See also this from Iowahawk. It’s getting harder to believe that the British ever conquered anything. “Guests of a wild west-themed costume party got a scare when a posse of armed police officers stormed […]

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    What do you call it?

    Hubris, arrogance, nerve, pretension? Oh, yeah. I got it. Audacity. It’s not just that it’s unfathomably expensive. It’s not just that it’s so pork-laden it oinks. It’s not just that it will doom our children and grandchildren and probably great-grandchildren to bearing the price of our greed and fear. (Yes, fear. We’re afraid to face […]

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    The letter I want to send

    but won’t. Cornyn, You jackass. Don’t you have at least enough sense not to vote for a tax-cheat to run the Treasury? You really are as dumb as you look. Your really ticked off constituent, April I swear . . . With the CPSIA non-sense, contraception as stimulus idiocy and this foolishness, it’s a wonder […]

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    A non-negotiable

    We are committed to homeschooling. It is our intent and desire to homeschool through high school. However, I recognize that life throws curve balls. Institutional school may become a necessity at some point down the line. But this is my line in the sand: unless the Supreme Court walks back this obscene notion that children […]

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    Pants on fire

    From elementary through high school, I went to school with a habitual liar. And not just a liar, but a liar who told bad, easily revealed, insult-your-intelligence dumb lies. It would have been amusing had it not been so very sad and pathetic. Well, apparently one of the mayoral candidates is this girl. Reports have […]

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    Well, obviously

    “In explaining any puzzling Washington phenomenon, always choose stupidity over conspiracy, incompetence over cunning. Anything else gives them too much credit.” Charles Krauthammer in today’s Washington Post. The column is on the Armenian genocide Congressional Resolution issue. I think Krauthammer nailed the entire situation, especially the stupidity part. For the record, I think that Congress […]

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