Today, the world lost a historic figure and remarkable woman. Margaret Thatcher was a chemist, lawyer, mother (of twins!), politician, first and only female Prime Minister of Britain, and part of the group of Western Leaders who lead the fight to end the grip of communism on Eastern Europe. The foreign policy world of my […]
“[S]omething we may call Britain is always haunted by something we may call Logres. Haven’t you noticed that we are two countries? After every Arthur, a Mordred; behind every Milton, a Cromwell: a nation of poets, a nation of shopkeepers;: the home of Sidney–and of Cecil Rhodes. Is it any wonder they call us hypocrites? […]
Anne points to a sad view of justice in our times. What do we value and why? Certainly not other people. See also this from Iowahawk. It’s getting harder to believe that the British ever conquered anything. “Guests of a wild west-themed costume party got a scare when a posse of armed police officers stormed […]