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    The first mistake of the year!

    This post may contain affiliated links I once read an illustration that went something like this*: A potter making a new pot began by intentionally marring the pot. He does so because it is inevitable that he will make mistakes and his work will fall short of perfection. By purposefully making an error, he frees himself […]

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    One month later

    One month later

    From a 1963 letter by Mark Twain via Letters of Note. How are you doing with your New Year’s Resolutions? I myself did not resolve, except to take what comes. (As opposed to curling up in a ball and weeping, I guess. I’ve mostly succeeded. Mostly.) But those of you who did resolve, how have […]

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    And Fin

    And Fin

    Today is the Twelfth Day of Christmas, so I had my last cup of coffee in a Christmas mug til next year. The alarms are being switched to something un-Christmasy (“Bad to the Bone”?), the decorations came down this weekend, except for all the stuff we forgot. Like the huge wooden nativity. How did we […]

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    Signs of resolutions

    Signs of resolutions

    My 21-Day Sugar Detox Pinterest board is getting an increase in traffic and followers, and even my freezer and slowcooker boards are getting attention. People everywhere are vowing to be better versions of them! I’m still eating the treats from the Christmas stockings and wondering how much my family really needs to eat anyway. I’m […]

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    Preparing for battle

    Preparing for battle

    No more lounging around crocheting, watching movies, and generally being a bum. Today is a teacher inservice day at the Thompson house. Monday is back to the books and regularly scheduled chaos. We’re starting with an extra dose of crazy because I’m traveling next week to be with my parents while my mom has a […]

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    The new adventure

    The new adventure

    I woke up to the sound of rain this morning, and it sounded like all the yuck from 2014 being washed away. Last year was hard. My parents had several health issues, some terrifyingly close to the edge. I lost my sweet cat (okay, sweet to me) that I’d had since 1997. And the daily […]

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    An introvert brings in the New Year

    An introvert brings in the New Year

    In case you’re wondering, yes, it’s still the Christmas season, and we’re still celebrating. On the Sixth Day of Christmas, we had Taco Tuesday and went looking at lights. We prefer to look at lights after Christmas when there’s less traffic, although we did run into a couple of aggressive light lookers. Passing people on […]

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    New year, new me, blah blah blah.   I’m not resolving this year. Not because there aren’t things that I shouldn’t start doing or stop doing or do better or whatever, but because frankly I don’t need the pressure. I thought about it. I asked myself, “Self, where do you want to be a year […]

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    Emphasis on happy

    Emphasis on happy

    I was reading Dave Barry’s hilarious if depressing Year in Review when I started wondering if anything good happened last year. Because I don’t know about you, but 2013 kinda stunk up the joint as every year in review article has emphasized. So I went on a hunt for some good news so that “Happy New […]

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    Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again.

    January 1st has come and The Rules state you must have a New Year’s Resolution. If you’re at a loss for New Year’s Resolutions, here’s a handy list to choose from. I’m partial to “Plant a tree and then cut it down in an Arbor Day protest.” This is my resolution: To do better. That’s […]

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