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    The Epiphany post

    The Epiphany post

      At the beginning of the year, we’re inundated with admonitions to set goals, make resolutions, and in short plan to be a better us in 365 days. I haven’t been tempted to make any public resolutions, although I’ve had a couple of “I’d like to do X this year” thoughts. The truth is, I’m […]

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    It begins

    It begins

    For the past three weeks, I’ve been inundated with back-to-school ads, social media posts on getting ready for school, and a host of emails on curriculum and classes. My response has been, “LALALALALA, I can’t hear you!” I told myself I was going to enjoy my summer and not think about school until August. Oh, […]

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    New year, new me, blah blah blah.   I’m not resolving this year. Not because there aren’t things that I shouldn’t start doing or stop doing or do better or whatever, but because frankly I don’t need the pressure. I thought about it. I asked myself, “Self, where do you want to be a year […]

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    Resolution season approaches!

    Resolution season approaches!

    We’re approaching the season of resolutions and challenges. Gyms are running deals, diet programs are buying extra ad time, self-help/life coaches/ and gurus are gearing up for the season of building a better you. At least for January. I like the idea of resolutions, but frankly, New Year’s resolutions do it all wrong.  Most of […]

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    Another milepost

    Another milepost

    Today is my 200th straight post in the Great Blog Project, and another opportunity to reevaluate where I am and where I think I’m going with this little experiment. On day 100, my goal was to become a better writer. 100 days later and I’m good! Kidding. Actually, that’s probably a life-long endeavor, and I […]

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    100 Days of Blogging

    100 Days of Blogging

    A little over three months ago, I decided to be more intentional about blogging, to blog every day to be precise. So, what have I learned? (Actually, that’s not entirely accurate in my case, as my commenters are very kind.) This has actually been a very helpful and clarifying few months. It’s funny how being […]

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    The great blog experiment, one month later

    At the beginning of the month I challenged myself to blog every day. The basic premise is momentum. It’s easier to keep doing something if you’ve been doing something, or as Jerry Seinfeld said, “Don’t break the chain.” Put another way, it’s easier to do something when it’s habit. The only way to form a […]

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