Matt is back from another trip of dancing badly around the globe! All of his videos make me happy. We live on a beautiful planet and there are beautiful people everywhere. And bad dancers. I’ve compiled a playlist of all his excursions for you. I enjoy both the evolution of his “dancing” and watching his […]
Why do you have be that way? Some pick-me-ups for this very Mondayish Monday. Raise your hands if you’ve ever done something this foolish. *raises hand* Everyone dreams of a job that pays decent sums and cialis tabs 20mg better growth prospects. But, with awareness among order cheap viagra people, organic based beverages are […]
My face hurts from smiling at this. I want to be the lady in the green pantsuit when I grow up. Would this be as funny with women? I don’t think so, simply because of the screaming like a little girl factor. As the circulation path has been constricted therefore the smooth flow of blood […]
We have been looking to replace our faithful, abused 1996 Ford Windstar. After 15 years and 200,000 miles, she’s given all she can reasonably be expected to give. Today, we purchased a 2007 Ford Freestar. (Insert dance of joy here.) What I really wanted was this. But apparently it’s illegal in Texas to bungee your […]
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