• Wednesday Whine

    Wednesday Whine

    Yesterday’s supercharged schedule left me feeling about 20 years older when I woke up this morning. My bones creak and my back aches. I was already behind from our weekend trip, and now I’m even more behind. And I have writer’s block. Tuesdays are hard not only because of the packed schedule but because I […]

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    Another milepost

    Another milepost

    Today is my 200th straight post in the Great Blog Project, and another opportunity to reevaluate where I am and where I think I’m going with this little experiment. On day 100, my goal was to become a better writer. 100 days later and I’m good! Kidding. Actually, that’s probably a life-long endeavor, and I […]

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    Today (right now, actually!) I’m flying to New York to spend time with my wonderful friend Lori and speak at the New York State Right to Life pro-life camp for teens. Over the past few months, I’ve been ramping up my writing, including re-engaging in my pro-life work. A long time ago, pre-kids, I did […]

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    Lessons from my dad

    Lessons from my dad

    For many years, my dad owned a small business, an auto-electric shop. I worked there through much of my teenage years. I started cleaning, and eventually did the books and delivered parts. I learned a lot from my father in our home, but I probably learned more in the shop. Dad would patiently explain what […]

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    100 Days of Blogging

    100 Days of Blogging

    A little over three months ago, I decided to be more intentional about blogging, to blog every day to be precise. So, what have I learned? (Actually, that’s not entirely accurate in my case, as my commenters are very kind.) This has actually been a very helpful and clarifying few months. It’s funny how being […]

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    Relearning old lessons. I ought to do better.

    Relearning old lessons. I ought to do better.

    I just finished Dancing with My Father by Sally Clarkson, and I remembered this post I originally wrote on Satchmo’s first birthday (back when he was known as Gigglemeister on the blog). For me “I ought” is the biggest joy stealer in my life. It was then and it is now. Someday, that lesson is […]

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    Annoying reminders

    I gotta situation I’m dealing with. It’s a messy situation because it deals with people. And conflict. And conflicted people. My first inclinations is to say, “To hell with them!” and go out guns blazing. (Metaphorical guns. Nobody panic!)  But my parents had me memorize all these bible verses as a kid and there’s one […]

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    Being a smarter introvert

    I am a bold introvert. I am not shy; I am not insecure; I enjoy meeting people and having conversations. I don’t love parties, but neither do I loathe them. I am not what most people picture when they think of an introvert. Nonetheless, if I had to choose between company and solitude, I’d choose […]

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