BEHOLD! I have returned! So. It’s weird trying to start blogging again after being dark for so long. The last time I posted was August. That’s forever in blog-years. I feel like I should have a long, in-depth post or big news or a new approach to blogging. But I don’t. I just want to […]
Last weekend, we went camping. Storms rolled through the area, but we only expected to get the southern edge of the storm. Fortunately, we didn’t get any severe weather. Unfortunately, we did get a steady rain that lasted all night long. Our tent is decent, but it has its limits. I woke up sometime in the […]
Since March 1, 2013, I have posted something on my blog every day. From lengthy rants, to regular features, to weirdness, to place fillers, I’ve followed Jerry Seinfeld’s advice on writing: Don’t break the chain. But now I’m going to break it deliberately. Why would I want to break a two-year streak on purpose? Mainly […]
I got my replacement computer in today. All we need to do is switch out the drive and I’ll be all set. It’s amazing how important a computer is, especially when you blog. Who knew? I hope to be doing actual blogging and less filler and fluff soon. But soon isn’t today, and I’ve got […]
I woke up in the wee hours with a combination of jaw pain and sinus pain. Then I googled chronic jaw pain and scared myself to death with the phrase “jaw replacement.” So I bought some boots (af). I needed the boots, but it was still a rather impulsive bit of shopping therapy for me. […]
This is my 500th post since the Great Blog Project began last year. On one hand, 500 days in a row is pretty impressive for a casual blogger. (i.e. someone with a small audience and who doesn’t make money from the effort.) On the other hand, that’s just a few months past a year; not […]
Day two of spring cleaning continues apace. Today we conquer the front garden beds and try to repair the some of the damage from our plumbing conundrum last week. Fortunately, it’s a nice day for it. Shiny clean and organized links! Spaced-Out Challenge Messier Guide, Part 2. Beautiful: Reaching my autistic son through Disney. Woohoo! […]
For the past year, I’ve blogged every day — even if it was only silly animal memes or videos. Over the past 365 days, I’ve learned a lot about writing, about goals, and about myself. I’ve learned that writing is primarily a craft. Certainly, individual writers are more or less talented. There are those with a […]
I was looking for an old post on my favorite apostle Thomas. I know it was there at one time. I’m pretty sure it made the jump from my old Blogspot site, but the first few months didn’t cross over and it may have been there. It’s too late to look now because that site’s gone. […]
I am 10 days away from the anniversary of The Great Blog Project. I’ve blogged every day since March 1, 2013. So of course, things are going wonky this week. Last night, my computer ate my rather long and complicated blog post. Which is probably a sign to shorten and uncomplicate things. Poor Bulldozer is […]