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    Fine Arts Friday: It’s been a while.

    Fine Arts Friday: It’s been a while.

    But we’ve still been doing fine arts and not just on Friday! Seriously, the þing is probably the best thing we’ve done all year. Nay, all my homeschooling experience. It’s been awesome. Even if everything else goes off the rails, I know that we’ve had at least an hour of truth, beauty, and goodness. Three cheers […]

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    Fine Arts Friday: Sing with me!

    Fine Arts Friday: Sing with me!

    If a blogger doesn’t blog, is she still alive? Yes, I’m still here, still homeschooling, and still doing fine arts although we’ve actually scattered our fine arts throughout the week instead of relegating them to Fridays. Actually, I’ve been mulling. And I’ve been busy. And I’ve been tired. But mostly, I’ve been mulling. I’ve been primarily […]

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    Fine Arts Friday: The þing

    Fine Arts Friday: The þing

    *þing is pronounced “thing. Yes, I could just write “thing,” but where’s the fun in that? This year, we’ve moved away from the “Fine Arts Friday” model to a “Morning Time” model. I’ll post some resources to find out more about the concept at the end of the post, but basically we spend about an hour […]

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    Fine Arts Friday: There’s Nothing Like the Sun

    Fine Arts Friday: There’s Nothing Like the Sun

    There’s nothing like the sun as the year dies; Kind as it can be, this world being made so, To stones and men and beasts and birds and flies – To all things that it touches except snow, Whether on mountain side or street or town. The south wall warms me: November has begun, Yet […]

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  • Fine Arts Friday: Tweaking our process

    Fine Arts Friday: Tweaking our process

    Yesterday, I listened to the latest Circe Quiddity podcast with Professor Carol Reynolds. She speaks very quickly. What she quickly said reaffirmed some of the thoughts I’ve been having about how we experience music in our culture generally and how I’m exposing music to my children specifically. Prof. Reynolds discussed our detachment from making and experiencing […]

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    Fine Arts Friday: New Songs, Move Down

    Fine Arts Friday: New Songs, Move Down

      Or I guess to be more true to the filched quote, “Clean songs, clean songs, move down, move down!” Hmmm. Maybe we’ll read Jabberwocky today. Because it is brillig. Or it could be. Honestly, I don’t even know what brillig is, but there are definitely no slithy toves around here. This month’s folk song is an […]

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    Fine Arts Friday: Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot

    Fine Arts Friday: Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot

    There’s just something fun about that name. Interestingly, with those three names to choose from, he went with Camille. That wouldn’t have been my choice, but he’s the famous artist, so what do I know? The aforementioned Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot is the artist in the Ambleside rotation this term. He was a French painter who lived a […]

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    Fine Arts Friday: Back in the saddle

    Fine Arts Friday: Back in the saddle

    We’re just finishing our first week of the new school year. It’s also our first field trip of the year and our anniversary. It’s been an exhausting week, but far less exhausting than last year. On more days than not, we’ve managed to have our morning time, which is where we do our fine arts […]

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    Fine Arts Friday: A place to know

    Fine Arts Friday: A place to know

    *Yes, this is technically not Friday. Stuff happened and Friday got away from me, but I have a theme and I’m sticking with it. We have been sorely remiss in our nature studies because A. it’s too dang hot and B. . . .  No, actually just A. We did do some nature-y stuff on […]

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    Fine Arts Friday: A New Favorite

    Fine Arts Friday: A New Favorite

    This month’s folk song on the Ambleside Online rotation is “The Skye Boat Song.” It is a huge hit in our family, especially with my youngest, who asks me to sing it every night. This song has apparently gained new popularity because it’s the theme of a British historical/sci-fi show called Outlander. It’s historical because […]

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