The California Court of Appeals has been sensible and ruled Californians can homeschool. Yes, We Will Survive. In other news, Little Miss, whilst watching the Olympic Opening Ceremonies, drew a picture of the Chinese Flag with the following caption: “Chinese flag. I’m not Chinese, I’m Texan.” Thanks for clearing that up, sweetie. I’m ambivalent about […]
No time for blogging, so I’m stealing this one word meme from My twenty cents keep moving. 1. Where is your cell phone? kitchen? 2. Your significant other? geek 3. Your hair? painted 4. Your mother? wise5. Your father? prankster6. Your favorite thing? books7. Your dream last night? forgot8. Your favorite drink? cherry-limeade 9. Your […]
84% Geek Created by OnePlusYou I don’t know if this quiz is easier on girls or just not very specific. And who doesn’t know that Serenity is the name of the ship on Firefly? There was a whole movie named for it! I also got geek points for taking something apart to improve it. Sure, […]
When my little girls were much littler (3 and 1 1/2–I think), my sister was taking them for a walk. Little Miss spotted a dog down the road. The Sprite was terrified of dogs. (She’s still wary, but the terror is gone.) Little Miss says, “Aunt Carrie, when the Sprite sees that dog she’s gonna […]
One of the saddest things about being a grown up is that you supposed to conduct yourself with dignity. For example, when I asked the Bulldozer if he wanted chocolate milk, he giggled wildly and did a few little happy hops. If I do the same thing over a new book or some really good […]
Happy mother’s day to all you mothers and children. Which is everyone except clones. So happy mother’s day to all non-clones!* On Mother’s Day, mom’s shouldn’t have to change stinky diapers. But my husband is helping out at church and my girl’s aren’t at poop-level diapering yet. So I am blogging to avoid the poop. […]
It has been a hectic, crazy, busy, insane (redundant much?) time in our household. Thus, I’ve not blogged and have missed out on some fun. For example, Dana at Principled Discovery has been celebrating Home Education Week in Nebraska with a series of post and inviting others to join in. Very cool. I missed it. […]
I’ve been cleaning out my email, and I came upon this gem from a friend sent a couple of years ago. Yes, I kept it that long, but trust me, it’s a keeper. Names have been withheld to protect the silly. What is levitra no prescription thought about that need to do at that situation […]