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    Fret not, homeschoolers, etc.

    The California Court of Appeals has been sensible and ruled Californians can homeschool. Yes, We Will Survive. In other news, Little Miss, whilst watching the Olympic Opening Ceremonies, drew a picture of the Chinese Flag with the following caption: “Chinese flag. I’m not Chinese, I’m Texan.” Thanks for clearing that up, sweetie. I’m ambivalent about […]

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    Vote early and often

    Parade magazine is having a poll on whether homeschoolers should be required to have teaching credentials. So, go vote. From the blurb accompanying the poll: “If upheld, the California ruling will send shock waves nationwide,” says Richard Kahlenberg, the author of a number of books on education. He says the case “pits those who believe […]

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    Dude, are you stoned?

    I seriously think teacher’s union representative on the California homeschool case who was interviewed by NPR’s “All Things Considered” was altered — chemically (or herbally). A sample of his statement: Dude, yeah, it’s cool, you need training, man. You make us take all these tests and do all this stuff just to teach some punk […]

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