Detroit, once one of the nation’s most prosperous city, has declared bankruptcy. It’s sad, but not at all surprising. Like many municipalities, Detroit is struggling under the burden of unfunded and underfunded pensions, as well as other debt. This one chart paints the picture pretty well: Detroit has about half the population it did at […]
The California Court of Appeals has been sensible and ruled Californians can homeschool. Yes, We Will Survive. In other news, Little Miss, whilst watching the Olympic Opening Ceremonies, drew a picture of the Chinese Flag with the following caption: “Chinese flag. I’m not Chinese, I’m Texan.” Thanks for clearing that up, sweetie. I’m ambivalent about […]
or Canadians are crazy. How male enhancement pills work? Many people think by taking male enhancement pills there are lot cialis 20 mg of side effects. Adjustments, (whether manipulation or mobilization), are made to the spine and extremities, including shoulder adjustments. sildenafil online pharmacy Therefore, it is important for you to have intercourse […]
I seriously think teacher’s union representative on the California homeschool case who was interviewed by NPR’s “All Things Considered” was altered — chemically (or herbally). A sample of his statement: Dude, yeah, it’s cool, you need training, man. You make us take all these tests and do all this stuff just to teach some punk […]
The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has “upheld the validity of what essentially amounted to a strip search of a 13-year-old Safford school girl to see if she had drugs.” The drugs? Ibuprofen. Well, okay then. Fortunately, the 9th Circuit is the most overturned federal appeals court, so there is hope that sanity will prevail. […]