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    Technically, I survived

    Technically, I survived

    How did the first week of school go?   Shame and embarrassment made sexual dysfunction a taboo subject in polite company for on line levitra devensec.com a long time, which gave it a prominent position in the urban legends and endorsed dozens of folk remedies of doubtful effectiveness. Any misalignment in the body can cause […]

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    Nobody’s dead or maimed, I’m calling it a win.

    Day one of the 2014-2015. I’ve got assignments assigned, pencils sharpened, and schedules color-coded. I’ve even got my workspace organized! It’s a first day of school miracle! I knew today would not go according to plan; I even planned for it! New routines have to be broken in. I get this. I’m not new. Still […]

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    Something’s gotta give

    Something’s gotta give

    I tend to clench my jaw when I’m stressed. Clenching my jaw gives me a headache. Having a headache makes it difficult to accomplish the #&$%^# to-do list. Getting behind on the #&$%^# to-do list stresses me out. I clench my jaw when I’m stressed. . . This is slightly worrying because looking ahead to […]

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    Some advice, kids

    Some advice, kids

    Only mostly kidding. My to-do list for today: Clean the house Grade school work Plan next week’s lessons Weed the garden Mulch Deadhead the roses Find lost DVDs (that I borrowed) Finish organizing my office (a job I started 2 months ago.) In order to prevent the fire from spreading and to avoid the mixture […]

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    Doing that screen thing

    Doing that screen thing

    It’s International Screen Free Week, where people around the world are shutting down their screens–television, smart phones, computers, tablets, etc. etc. etc for the week. I had a taste of that last week when we went camping last week. It was delightful, and it got me thinking I need to curb my screen consumerism. Screen […]

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    Liabilities and assets

    Liabilities and assets

    For some people, this is the week of spring break. For the Thompsons, this is the week of spring cleaning, painting, and re-organizing. One of the things I hope to accomplish is to find out what we actually have in all this clutter: what we can use, what we can sell, and what we can […]

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  • Closing in…

    Closing in…

    Prayers appreciated.

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    February dolldrums

    February dolldrums

    Among homeschoolers, February has a reputation for being the worst month ever. Whatever resolutions we’ve made have been broken; momentum is stalled; it’s cold and dark and miserable. Ugh. February. Last week we were out of town for the first of the week. The first day after a road trip is pretty much useless for […]

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  • Ready for Monday

    Ready for Monday

    I’m not playing around, not underestimating you, not letting you get the first blow. Come at me Monday, I’m ready for you. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) as the safe and effective medicine with seanamic.com generico levitra on line lowered side effects. But before viagra 20mg you begin your planning for the spring, here […]

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    This year, this month, this day…

    This year, this month, this day…

    Stahp! For the medicine to work efficiently, you need to take cialis online usa learningworksca.org approximately one hour before the sexual act. Ultimate X is designed for quick-action and not as a viagra without prescription weakness to male masculinity. The viagra generika online reason behind the occurrence of the illness is a growing problem in […]

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