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    Some advice, kids

    Some advice, kids

    Only mostly kidding. My to-do list for today: Clean the house Grade school work Plan next week’s lessons Weed the garden Mulch Deadhead the roses Find lost DVDs (that I borrowed) Finish organizing my office (a job I started 2 months ago.) In order to prevent the fire from spreading and to avoid the mixture […]

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    Timing is everything

    Timing is everything

    In my ongoing agricultural war, I’ve made a lot of headway. We solved the water problem, moved the beds to the front to solve the sunlight issue, fenced the beds in to guard against evil rabbits, and provide the little plantlets with delicious and nutritious worm poop. But one critical aspect is timing. You gotta […]

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    A sister’s tribute

    Today my big brother turns 42. So now he officially has the answer to life, the universe, and everything. Figures. Growing up, I thought my brother was pretty much perfect.  He’s brilliant, ambitious, kind, and very likeable. It was irritating. I remember sitting in a movie theater with my little sister waiting for a movie […]

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    They went thata way!

    Today my daughters left. On a jet plane. They’ll be back on Sept 6. So, not so much like the song. They’re spending a week with their grandparents in Minnesota, then we’ll drive up and spend another week before heading home through Mansfield, Missouri and this lovely locale. We’re also going to the Minnesota State […]

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