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    Last minute homework

    Last minute homework

    Tomorrow is election day, so I guess I’d better figure out how I’m going to vote. Step one: Find my sample ballot on the county website. Ooh, they’ve revamped it. Fancy! Step two: Note that there is a “SECEDE Kilgore” running for governor on the Republican ballot. Well, okay then. Step three: Pull up voters […]

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    Fighting words

    Fighting words

    Just as I believe every American should read the Declaration of Independence occasionally, Texans should be familiar with the Texas Declaration of Independence. Texas’ Declaration is obviously greatly influenced by America’s, including a list of grievances. But it has uniquely Texan turns of phrases, like “everready minions of power.”  For your Texas Independence Day reading […]

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    Terrible Tuesday: Election Day!

    Terrible Tuesday: Election Day!

    We have a mess of propositions and some bond initiatives for our city. I really ought to decide how I’m going to vote, huh? Here’s a round-up of voter guides from the conservative/libertarian perspective. They really don’t like the water initiative.  Wherever you are, go vote for something. Participatory government links! Spaced-Out Challenge: Thar be […]

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    Citizen legislatures

    Citizen legislatures

    Today in my Between Errands column I talk about America’s part-time state legislatures. I know, fascinating, but stay with me. Most states have a part-time legislature, or at least a less than full time.  You can find the full breakdown here. It’s interesting that they include campaigning for re-election as part of the “work” of […]

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    Stand for Life

    Stand for Life

    Today the Texas Senate Health and Human Services Committee will take up Senate Bill 1.  Pro-lifers in blue and abortion advocates in orange will inundate the capital, making their voices heard. Hopefully, we’ll have more Amazing Grace and less Hail Satan. I can’t be in Austin, but I’ll be wearing blue, a Doctor Who shirt […]

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    Fine Arts Friday: Nature Walk

    Fine Arts Friday: Nature Walk

    We’ve been at my parents this past week while my mom has knee surgery. Needless to say, we haven’t done much school and the kids have been left to their own devices while I’ve been going to and from the hospital. They’ve been great, but I knew we needed to take a break, so yesterday […]

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    A delicious Texas tradition

    A delicious Texas tradition

    No reunion, potluck, or picnic in Texas is complete without a Texas Sheet Cake.  This is a cake specifically for large gatherings: large, rich, and decadent. Tonight our bible study is having a going away thing for the various college students departing to the four corners, and this is my contribution. I actually knew this […]

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    Texas Legislative Mini-Round Up UPDATED

    Texas Legislative Mini-Round Up UPDATED

    The Texas legislature meets every other year for 140 days (in regular session, special sessions can also be called.) This limits the mischief they can achieve, but it also means that all the damage they do inflict happens fast and furiously.  I fully intended to be aware of all the goings-on in Austin this year, […]

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    Tales of Texas

    On this day in 1836, Texas declared it’s independence from Mexico while Travis and Bowie and the other defenders were besieged at the Alamo, which would fall 4 days later.  They were less than 2 months from securing the independence they declared.  While Texans tend to talk slow (well, depending on the region), the story […]

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    Lessons of a $60 million high school stadium

    Not far from where I live, the school district of Allen, Texas has constructed a gargantuan sports stadium.   Allen, like a lot of cities in this area, has experienced explosive growth in recent years. Obviously outgrowing it’s small town roots, the Allen School District needed a new sports stadium.  So in a down economy,the voters […]

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