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Citizen legislatures

texas capitol
Photo by Daniel Mayer

Today in my Between Errands column I talk about America’s part-time state legislatures. I know, fascinating, but stay with me.

Most states have a part-time legislature, or at least a less than full time.  You can find the full breakdown here. It’s interesting that they include campaigning for re-election as part of the “work” of a state legislator. Because I think that’s supposed to be something you do on your own time, n’est pas?

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And New Hampshire has the fourth-largest English-speaking legislative body in the entire world! Tiny little New Hampshire! They have one representative per 3,000 people. Whereas with your U.S. Representative you are literally almost one in a million. Well, one in 3/4 of a million.

Anyway, lots of little tidbits in today’s article. Let me know what you think.

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