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    Standing for Life

    Standing for Life

    Yesterday, I went to my first March for Life in a long time and my first in Texas. I had forgotten how encouraging and inspiring it is to stand in the middle of thousands of people who believe as I do, that all human life has value, that the defenseless should be defended, and that […]

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    Bittersweet accomplishment

    Bittersweet accomplishment

    This year, hundreds of thousands of Americans will gather in Washington, DC, for the 40th March for Life. Thousand more will gather through the month in their states and cities for marches, rallies, and prayer vigils remembering the over 56 million children killed by abortion since the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. The March for […]

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    Something’s wrong

    A familiar construct in sci-fi and fantasy is the induced utopia story. Everyone is living a passive, happy life, nothing bothers them. It’s all very nice, and not quite right. Then somebody snaps out of it (or was never affected in the first place) and saves the day for the messy, rambunctions disorderly humans. (Face […]

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    Party like it’s 1773!

    . . . to steal a phrase. Note to self: when going to a photo-rific event, charge your batteries. I got some great pictures, but my battery died before I got one of myself in my TANSTAAFL t-shirt. There were lots of people there, maybe a couple of thousand. We didn’t get there til almost […]

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    This is why I’m going to the Tea Party Protest: “Fiscal rescue” now approaches the value last years gross domestic product: $12.8 trillion ($12,800,000,000,000). Last year’s GDP was $14.9 trillion ($14,200,000,000,000). Meaning the government has “spent, lent or committed” the almost as much as our entire economy produced last year. (Anytime you hear X trillion […]

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    Missing the point

    “Boys, stop throwing grapes!” “Can we roll them?” Sure! Watch the floor for grapes, I don’t know that we got them all. They were at it a good 10 Taken once a day, it has received approval from frankkrauseautomotive.com viagra online buy the Food and Drugs Administration for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, low desire […]

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    Standing Ovation!

    This lady makes me want to stand up and sing the Star Spangled Banner, recite the Declaration of Independence and rally the troops for a march on Washington! Live Free or Die! When you have to consult a lawyer before you hold a church benefit sale, YOU ARE NOT IN AMERICA. When you live in […]

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