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    Freedom to be a fool

    Freedom to be a fool

    After the attack on the French magazine Charlie Hebdo, many people were reluctant to give unreserved support for the victims because they’ve printed offense and outrageous things about many religions. In fact, some people said, in essence, sure killing people is awful but they got what was coming to them. The pope went on about […]

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    Je suis Charlie

    Je suis Charlie

    By Australian cartoonist, David Pope. At first, the only news in reaction to the brutal terrorist attack on a satirical newspaper was horror and sadness. Ten journalists and two police officers lost their lives in the attack; others are wounded. But after the initial horror, prominent voices have begun saying the victims had it coming. […]

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    Empty Shelf Challenge: On Basilisk Station

    Empty Shelf Challenge: On Basilisk Station

    My fourth book for the Empty Shelf Challenge is not part of the mother-daughter book club. Oddly, I chose this sci-fi tale because of Beth Moore. What? Beth Moore, the bible study lady? Yes, that Beth Moore. I was feeling guilty about downloading a bunch of free kindle books that she was offering on Amazon […]

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    Terrible Tuesday: Brain dump

    Terrible Tuesday: Brain dump

    I got nothing. Links! Raise a glass to Claude Shannon, Jr. , the genius no one’s heard of but whose work you’re benefiting from right now. There ought to be no law. From the little I’ve read, the law isn’t as awful as it could be, but talk about a camel’s nose in the door. […]

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    Fanning the spark into flame

    Fanning the spark into flame

    At yesterday’s Congressional Hearing on IRS targeting of Conservative Groups, Tea Party leader Karen Kenney gave this moving testimony, which every citizen should read or watch. Every day, we get more and more evidence that the IRS has engaged in a campaign of suppression, harassment, and intimidation of conservative groups. They mostly targeted small groups […]

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    Unequal protection

    Unequal protection

    Just when you thought it was safe to ignore Washington for the summer, more scandals and reports of government misconduct are circling. This time, the Justice Department has been caught having secretly subpoenaed the phone records of Associated Press reporters. In investigating a leak over a story on North Korea’s nuclear program, the department searched the […]

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    The pendelum swings both ways

    The pendelum swings both ways

    When I was in high school and college, I had a number of teachers and professors who loved Voltaire’s* famous quote, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it!” (Always stated in grand tones, sweeping gestures.) That’s been replaced with the pithier: “Faster pussycat, kill, […]

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    My big news

    My big news

    A couple of weeks ago, I attended Freedom Works’ BlogCon. (A huge thank you to Kristina Ribali and all the wonderful people at Freedom Works for putting on an excellent and informative conference.) I learned a lot and met some great people including Tiffany Madison, who encouraged me to apply to write for The Washington Times […]

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  • This little light of mine

    Today is the blog burst in support of conservative bloggers who have been harassed, sometimes in frightening and deadly ways.  The idea behind a blog burst is have so many voices speaking that the harassers can’t get us all.  I’m a tiny, wee little blog, but even though it’s just a candle, it’s still a […]

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    Freedom is messy

    So this is big. B-I-G Big. It turns out, get ready for this, it turns out that the Supreme Court just ruled that the First Amendment,(the one dealing with free speech and the government’s shall make no longer prohibiting, etc.,) that amendment actually applies to politics! Get. Out. I know. We all thought that campaigns […]

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