“It would be so nice if something made sense for a change.” Alice…in Wonderland
Tomorrow is election day, so I guess I’d better figure out how I’m going to vote. Step one: Find my sample ballot on the county website. Ooh, they’ve revamped it. Fancy! Step two: Note that there is a “SECEDE Kilgore” running for governor on the Republican ballot. Well, okay then. Step three: Pull up voters […]
Today in my Between Errands column I talk about America’s part-time state legislatures. I know, fascinating, but stay with me. Most states have a part-time legislature, or at least a less than full time. You can find the full breakdown here. It’s interesting that they include campaigning for re-election as part of the “work” of […]
The Texas legislature meets every other year for 140 days (in regular session, special sessions can also be called.) This limits the mischief they can achieve, but it also means that all the damage they do inflict happens fast and furiously. I fully intended to be aware of all the goings-on in Austin this year, […]
Have you forgotten what one of those looks like? Well, take a gander. David Simpson is the Texas House Representative from Longview who sponsored the anti-groping legislation to reign in the TSA, at least in Texas. Thanks to the Republican Speaker of the House, “The Honorable” Joe Strauss, the bill was killed. This is Mr. […]