• Life is hard. Do something.

    Life is hard. Do something.

    With the plague and related closures putting a damper on our normal avenues of entertainment, more people are heading to the outdoor spaces. In Texas at least, that means our amazing state parks have seen a spike in visitors. Because many of these are newbies unfamiliar with the fact that nature will kill you given […]

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  • What do we do?

    I’ve been reading the book of Micah, and the descriptions of the evil and injustice is almost overwhelming. (Seriously, Micah compares the injustices to cannibalism. The leaders are eating their own people by their oppression. It’s… intense.) In the face of all that evil — evil that will ultimately lead to the exile of the entire […]

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  • Gaining a day

    Gaining a day

    This year leap day happens on a Monday in an election year.  Because of course it does. (Actually, it’s always in an election year. Whose bright ideas was that?) Still, we get an extra day, right? Woo-hoo! Party time! Let’s blow off work and head to the (insert favorite place to loaf)! But alas, the […]

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    Living a contented life

    Living a contented life

    Today’s C.S. Lewis quote: The whole lesson of my life has been that no ‘methods of stimulation’ are of any lasting use. They are indeed like drugs—a stronger dose is needed each time and soon no possible dose is effective. We must not bother about thrills at all. Do the present duty—bear the present pain—enjoy […]

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    Being Shrek

    Being Shrek

    Fun fact: while wild sheep shed their wool annually, domesticated sheep bred for wool don’t; the wool just keeps growing. Like so: This is Shrek, a sheep who so hated being sheared that he hid for six years.  When he was finally sheared, he had produced enough wool for 20 men’s suits. Doesn’t that look […]

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    An appeal to my fellow introverts

    An appeal to my fellow introverts

    Nothing. I mean everything. I mean, given the right medium, introverts won’t shut up. Don’t believe me? Exhibit A. (That’s a link to Buzzfeed, so if you have moral qualms with click-baity content thieves, you’ve been warned.) We have memes: And cartoons to explain us. Measuring flow-mediated dilation (FMD), an indicator of a bigger issue […]

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    Let’s Kill Hitler?

    Let’s Kill Hitler?

      A study has found that if given the choice to travel back in time and kill Hitler, men are more likely to do so than women. And I asked myself, “Self, would you kill Hitler?” And Self said, “It depends.” Oh, Self. It’s Hitler! Explain yourself, Self. Okay, here’s my thinking: If it were […]

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    The late Larry Burkett, noted Christian financial teacher, said that money is a magnifier. Whatever you are, gets bigger. If you are generous, abundance will result in more abundance. If you’re greedy, abundance will result in greater greed. That’s true of money, but it’s also true of a lot of other things, both good and […]

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  • Perspectacles


    This post on perspective is one of my favorite things I read last year, partially because it has so much wisdom and partially because the setting is a less-than gourmet kitchen, and I have kitchen issues: “But as I lay down to sleep, I remembered this passage from Thoreau’s Walden: “I say beware of all […]

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  • Cyberman Day!

    Cyberman Day!

    While you’re running for your lives, check out the great deals from Amazon and give this blog a boost at no additional cost to you. (Maybe while you hide in an alley or in a closet. Turn off the volume on your phone so your notifications don’t get you caught!) I may be misunderstanding things. […]

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