The meeting will come to order. This is an update on the plan code-named the Snare. Despite some insistence that we should use an enticing facade to lure our targets (Yes, Mr. Wonka, I see you making those faces) we decided to take a different approach. As Mr. Rochester noted, the pull of the […]
BEHOLD! I have returned! So. It’s weird trying to start blogging again after being dark for so long. The last time I posted was August. That’s forever in blog-years. I feel like I should have a long, in-depth post or big news or a new approach to blogging. But I don’t. I just want to […]
I’ve been reading the book of Micah, and the descriptions of the evil and injustice is almost overwhelming. (Seriously, Micah compares the injustices to cannibalism. The leaders are eating their own people by their oppression. It’s… intense.) In the face of all that evil — evil that will ultimately lead to the exile of the entire […]
By now, most people have heard of the story: A family of was caught in a riptide and 80 people formed a human chain to rescue them. They were all saved. In a time of crappy and surreal and surreally crappy news, this story is wonderful. Testosterone (esters – Enanthate, Cypionate) Testosterone is a major […]
When I first heard about fidget devices (which were different than the spinners that are the current craze), I considered getting one for my highly distractable child. In the end, I decided against it. Not because I don’t think having his hands occupied is be useful, but because I think that there’s a better option to […]
First the one book I finished in March. It was a crazy busy month, and I really need to say “NO!” to more things. But that’s a different blog post. So what one book did I manage to finish in March? Mere Motherhood: Morning Times, Nursery Rhymes, & My Journey Towards Sanctification by Cindy Rollins — a […]
My year of being the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything is officially over. To be honest, it wasn’t as exciting as I expected. But I did survive another trip around the sun, and that’s worth celebrating. In the tradition of hobbits who give gifts instead of receiving them on their birthdays, here are my gifts to you. […]
Last weekend, we went camping. Storms rolled through the area, but we only expected to get the southern edge of the storm. Fortunately, we didn’t get any severe weather. Unfortunately, we did get a steady rain that lasted all night long. Our tent is decent, but it has its limits. I woke up sometime in the […]