My year of being the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything is officially over. To be honest, it wasn’t as exciting as I expected. But I did survive another trip around the sun, and that’s worth celebrating. In the tradition of hobbits who give gifts instead of receiving them on their birthdays, here are my gifts to you. […]
I had a wonderfully blessed Christmas and got many beautiful gifts, but my favorite gift has to be these socks Sprite made for me. They’re so soft and comfortable, I want to wear them all the time. And I have! When I wash them, I’ll be like Jack when his blankets are washed: standing in […]
Today is my 600th day of consecutive blogging. It’s not really an anniversary; it’s just a nice looking number. Very round. 600. Six hundred. DC. Well, that ruined it. Arbitrary goals links! Combining exercise and art. Major kudos to this guy who drew a bicycle on a map by riding 212 miles in a day. […]
I’m playing with my new mp3 player from my true love and watching Goonies, a gift from my sister. I was 9 when it came out and probably 11 or 12 when I first saw it. Such a silly movie, but lots of fun. I wonder what silliness my kiddos will enjoy? We got a […]